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东京理想学园创建于1985年12月2日,是一所年轻充满朝气的学园。学园的师资力量雄厚,富有亲和力,不仅为学生提供日语、日本文化及国际商务知识的指导,还为学生提供了能够积极进行交流的良好的国际化教育环境。东京理想学园对学生提出三点目标: 一. 在国际化社会中理解不同的文化和价值观。 二. 在能够灵活运用外国语的同时,不要忘记提高母语的交流能力。 三. 理解自己国家的文化、传统,树立自己的价值观。这三点也是我本人希望努力学习而成功实现的目标。身处科学技术日益发展的21世纪,我深深明白一名学子必须有自己的理想,我将学园提出的 “理想是为了实现而存在的”这一口号作为自己的信念,并将为之做出不懈的努力。

Tokyo ideal garden founded in 1985 on December 2, is a young vigorous garden. Garden of the teaching faculty, with appetency, not only provides students with Japanese, culture and international business knowledge guidance, but also provide students with the can actively communicate good international education environment. Tokyo ideal garden to the student the author puts forward three goals: in an international society. Understand the different culture and values. Ii. Flexible use of foreign languages in can also, don't forget to improve native communication skills. Three. Understand their country's culture, tradition, and establish their own values. These three I also wish to study hard and achieve the target. In science and technology development of the 21st century, I deeply understand a student must have their own ideal, I will garden "put forward ideal is to realize the existence of" this slogan as your own beliefs, and will be make untiring efforts.
第1个回答  2010-11-13
第2个回答  2010-11-13