

Language is mankind's most important communication tool, it is the primary expression of people to communicate. People With language preservation and transfer the achievements of human civilization. Language is an important feature of the nation. In general, each nation has its own language. Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, English is the main language in the world, but also the working languages of the United Nations. Chinese is the most populous in the world to use the language, Esperanto, and English is the most widely used language. According to the German publication "Linguistics and Language Communication Tools Handbook," said the world now have identified 5651 kinds of languages. In these languages, some more than 1,400 kinds have not been recognized as a separate language, or is a decline of language. Language is a medium to exchange ideas, it is bound to have an impact on the political, economic and social, science and technology and even culture itself. This language is evolving cultural phenomenon, which is now the spatial distribution of the results of past development. According to common origin and relationship pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary and other aspects of the characteristics, the world's languages into languages. Each language includes varying amounts of language, language and these languages have some distribution in the region, many cultural characteristics are closely related with this. Language is a unified voice codec standards between similar biological Because communication needs and the development of (image) signals. Language is symbolic system, language is a human creation, only humans have a real language. Many animals are also capable of sound to express their feelings or pass information in the population. But this is just some fixed formula, not random variation.