
大概是个叫Lily的女孩 以前直头发 害羞 文静 不喜欢英语 喜欢唱歌
现在个子高 短卷发 喜欢英语 喜欢锻炼
写法就是她以前怎么样 现在怎么样 就这样来回 我不太会用衔接的句子 写下来的作文不大流畅 具体请给出作文 最好有这类作文的具体衔接句子的用法! 哪位大神来指点下啊 谢谢了!~
不是...我自己会写具体内容 就是衔接起来有些别扭 所以主要问的是衔接 拜托 看一下题吧...因为老是用一两个说法太单调 而且肯定得不了高分 所以指点下!

以前和现在的话不是用 however, whereas, but,on the other hand 的哦

我写下来了 供你参考下:
There's been a girl called Lily, she changes a lot recently,comparing now and before (或now and then) .........
Before (或 some time ago) she's a shy and quiet person, with long straight hair and she doesnt like English that much but at that time she likes singing.
(By the time when i see her again) 或用 Lately i saw her and she changed a lot! She's getting much taller with long wavy(curly) hair,and becoming more outgoing because she likes sports and also interests in English now.

如果直接说 “she WAS shy, however she likes exercise now; she had long hair, now with curly hair"
如果想句子自然点 就用个 “但这次/最近(要多充字数的话也写上在哪儿)见到她:But when i saw her this time in a friend's birthday party, i was so suprised because, she USED TO BE so shy and now i cant believe she actually likes sports!” 这样连起来会好些吧 =D
第1个回答  2010-11-10
但是她现在却很高,头发变成了短卷发,并且喜爱英语和锻炼。 Lily her former hair straight shy, quiet, don't like English, like singing.
But now she is very high, short curl hair turned, and love English and exercise. 末尾也可以用感叹号。
第2个回答  2010-11-10
可以用些转折的词语 比如however , while, 来体现她以前和现在的不一样