

My name is Micheal Scofield,I'm a fugitive.Three weeks ago I was incarcerated in prison,while I was there,I was approached by the company.The company is a corrupt organization that involves all levers of industry and government.They gave me two options,break one of their man James Whistler out of prision,or else they will kill the only woman I really loved-Doctor Sara Tancridy.I held up my end the deal and I broke Whisler out,But the company,they killed Sara anyway.I don't know why the company want James Whisler out of prison,but I tracked him here to Los Angeles.He is with another company angent I know only is Gratchen.The same agent who murdered Sara.This ends today.I came here seeking for justice,The justice I now know the system cannot provide.So if you reading this letter,you will know I died for avenging of Sara's death.


-Michael:My name is Michael Scofield.
我叫Michael Scofield。
I am a fugitive.
fugitive: 逃亡者
Three weeks ago, I was incarcerated in a Panamanian prison.
incarcerate: 监禁,下狱 Panamanian: 巴拿马的 prison: 监狱
While I was there, I was approached by the company...
approach: 接近;对付
A corrupt organization involved in all levels of industry and government.
corrupt:: 腐败的 organization: 组织 involve in: 卷入 level: 层次 industry: 行业 government: 政府
They gave me two options:
option: 选择
Break one of their men-- James whistler-- out of that prison...
break out of: 冲出,逃出
救出他们的人James Whistler。
Or they would kill the only woman I ever loved-- Dr. Sara Tancredi.
否则他们就杀死我唯一挚爱,Sara Tancredi医生。
I held up my end and broke Whistler out.
hold up: 支撑
The company...
They killed Sara anyway.
anyway: 还是
I don't know why the company wanted James Whistler out of prison,
我不知道公司为何,想让James Whistler逃出来。
But I've tracked him here to Los Angeles.
track: 跟踪 Los Angeles: 洛杉矶
He's with an agent I know only as Gretchen...
agent: 特工
The same agent who murdered Sara.
murder: 谋杀
It ends today.
I will seek the justice that I now know the system cannot provide.
seek: 寻找 justice: 正义 system: 系统 provide: 提供
So if you're reading this letter, you'll know I died avenging Sara’s death.
avenge: 为…报复,报仇

My name is michael scofield. [我叫Michael Scofield]
I am a fugitive. [目前亡命天涯]
Three weeks ago, I was incarcerated in a panamanian prison. [三周前 我被关进了巴拿马的监狱]
While I was there, I was approached by the company... [服刑期间 公司找上了我...]
a corrupt organization involved in all levels of industry and government. [公司是包含政府和 各行业各阶层的邪恶组织]
They gave me two options: [他们给了我两条路]
Break one of their men-- james whistler-- out of that prison... [救出他们的人 James Whistler]
or they would kill the only woman I ever loved-- dr. Sara tancredi. [否则他们就杀死我唯一挚爱 Sara Tancredi医生]
I held up my end and broke whistler out. [我坚持到了最后 救出了Whistler]
The company... [但公司...]
they killed sara anyway. [还是杀死了Sara]
I don't know why the company wanted james whistler out of prison, [我不知道公司为何 想让James Whistler逃出来]
but I've tracked him here to los angeles. [但我跟踪他到了洛杉矶]
He's with an agent I know only as gretchen... [他和另一名公司特工一起 我只知道她叫Gretchen...]
the same agent who murdered sara. [就是她 杀死了Sara]
It ends today. [一切要做个了结]
I will seek the justice that I now know the system cannot provide. [我来寻求正义 虽然他们没有正义可言]
So if you're reading this letter, you'll know I died avenging sara's death. [如果你读到这封信 就会知道我是为了替Sara报仇而死]
第1个回答  2010-10-27
我的名字是迈克尔。Scofield,我是一个逃犯三个星期前我被关押在监狱里,当我在那里,我就接受了这个公司本公司是一个腐败的组织,包括所有的杠杆的工业和政府他们给我两个选择,一个人的prision詹姆斯·惠斯勒,否则他们将杀死唯一的女人,我真的loved-Doctor莎拉Tancridy我举起我的合同结束,我打破了Whisler外出,但该公司,他们杀死了莎拉吧我不知道为什么公司希望詹姆斯Whisler从监狱逃跑了,但是我在这里找到了他去洛杉矶的. 他在另一个公司代理资格我只知道是Gratchen同一颗行星谁谋杀了莎拉这个今天到期。我来到这里寻求公正、公平,我现在知道系统不能提供所以如果你读这封信,你就会知道我为复仇的萨拉的死亡。