帮我把这段话翻译成英文,是做自我介绍的,谢谢(大家好 我是姚瑶,很高兴加入这个班级,以后请大家多

帮我把这段话翻译成英文,是做自我介绍的,谢谢(大家好 我是姚瑶,很高兴加入这个班级,以后请大家多多关照,谢谢!)

Hello!Everybody,my name is Yaoyao.I am so happy to study in this class,and i hope we can help each other.Thank you!
第1个回答  2014-09-01
Hi, guys and gurls, I'm Yao Yao, it's so nice to be a part of this class, hope we can get alone well, thank you.