db120刷成砖了,TTL提示如下,大家看看还有救吗?拜托了各位 谢谢

db120刷成砖了,TTL提示如下,大家看看还有救吗?如何救?CFE version 1.0.37-102.9 for BCM96358 (32bit,SP,BE)Build Date: Wed Jul 29 20:25:16 CST 2009 (kevin@BS5)Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Broadcom Corporation.Parallel flash device id 227a is not supported.*** Board is not initialized properly ****** Upgrading NVRAM (version -1159033174 to version 5) ****** Board is not initialized properly ***Press: to use current value '-' to go previous parameter '.' to clear the current value 'x' to exit this command96358VW2 ------- 0 96358VW ------- 1 96358GWVG ------- 2 96358IVWG ------- 3 96358SV ------- 4 96358ADWG ------- 5 Board Id (0-5) : 惊. 戟.ⅹ釜靖寛 戟 *㈥戤* ⅱ姾 *#?姫姩 獖?1415402774

这个没死,按照提示配置一下就行了后面的是乱码么,你的线有问题还是怎么的 查看更多答案>>