难倒我了 英语怎么说


Got me.(口语) ; Beats me.(口语)
你难倒我了 You got me
这问题难倒我了 The question stumped me
你真难倒我了 You're really stumped me for ; You stumped me ; You really stumped me
这可难倒我了 Now you got me singing
这个问题难倒我了 The question stumped me ; This problem has stumped me
这事你真难倒我了 It you really stumped me
这个问题难倒了我 Eg The problem is beyond / above me
你把我难倒了 you get me there
这个问题真把我难倒了 It Really Got Me There
这个题目真把我难倒了 It Really Got Me There