
Passage 1
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:
The trouble with most schemes to deal with the problems created by the automobile is that they underestimate the vastness of their undertaking. The car serves a variety of needs other than transportation and, for all its concrete reality, its greatest powers may be symbolic.
The automobile provides a special place for people. Next to bathroom, it is the nicest, easiest, most acceptable place to be alone. People sing, scream, pick their noses, talk to the radio, and do all manner of other odd and personal things within the isolation of their cars. Surely the vast queues of car drivers would not suffer their daily bumper-to-bumper(一辆接一辆地) frustrations if there weren't something pleasurable about being alone in a car.
The automobile allows exercise of power. Driving represents a challenge to be overcome; there is a constant parade of tiny decisions that await your action and that certify you as skilled and needed --- the master of your ship. It makes perfect sense, therefore, that getting a driver's license has become a milestone of the passage to the adult world. If you drive, you are competent, responsible, powerful, your own man.
The automobile magnifies the sense of spontaneity in life. A decision involving travel can be made instantaneously if a car is available. Thus spontaneity becomes a proof of freedom: there is no requirement to be bound by schedules of any sort, and car becomes the ideal transmitter of impulse. As Detroit well knows, buying a particular car is frequently an impulsive decision --- logically enough, since the car itself stands for the glorification of impulse.
1. Which of the following is the focus for most traffic experts?
A) Traffic system B) Variety of needs
C) Modern life D) Transportation
2. The second paragraph shows the automobile provides _______.
A) modern symbols B) privacy
C) an lonely place D) manhood
3. Getting a driving license shows __________.
A) the perfect sense to be a man B) the spontaneity to do anything
C) the power to do anything D) the skills to be a master
4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A) Most car drivers can not suffer the bumper to bumper frustration.
B) The decision to buy a car is often made by the sense of spontaneity.
C) It's challenging to become a driver of your own car.
D) The word bathroom often reminds people of the place for privacy.
5. We can infer from the passage that ________.
A) cars are so cheap that everybody can buy one
B) cars provides much convenience
C) cars provides freedom of people to travel
D) cars are also bought for psychological needs

1 B
2 A
3 D
4 C
5 D