

Lesson 91
Ⅰ.1.B spy vi.暗中监视,侦察,通常与 on/upon 连用。
2.D 非现实性定语从句,先行词是人且在从句中作主语,用 who。 3.A keep track of 跟踪,追踪。 4.C make out 辨认出。 5.D when 引导的时间状语从句;be angry,at sth.对某事生气;be angry with sb.跟某人生气。
6.C call in 召集,召来。
7.A a great danger to 对„„造成极大的危害。
8.B inform 通知,告知;inform sb.of sth.通知某人某事。 9.A see sb.doing sth.看到某人正在做某事。

10.C manage to do sth.设法做成某事。
Ⅱ.1 — 5:making for:at once;mystery;spying on;object 6 — 10:some time;holding;afterwards:descend;contained Ⅲ.1.He seems to be looking for something important. 2.I am very angry at what he said.
3.The one holding a pair of binoculars is Tom.
4.We could hardly make out anything in the thick fog.
5.When the thief is making for his car,the police arrest him. Lesson 92
Ⅰ.1.C need doing sth.= sth.need to be done 某事需要被做。 2.B in a/an... tone 以„„的语气。 3.A fall off 跌落。
4.D regret doing sth.后悔做过某事;regret to do sth.后悔要去做某事。 5.C 表示自己情况与前一说话者所说情况相同,用 So + 相应助动词 + I。 6.C prepare for sth.为„„做准备;be busy doing sth.忙于做某事。 7.A against the wall 倚着墙,靠着墙。 8.C mind 后接动名词。
9.B prefer sb.to do sth.更喜欢某人做某事。 10.A be fast asleep = be sound asleep 熟睡。
Ⅱ.1 — 5:returned;ringing;climbing;sarcastic;cleaning 6 — 10:tone;interrupting;busy;forgotten;Fortunately
Ⅲ.1.The boss is unhappy now.You'd better not ask for trouble. 2.He does not work there,neither do I. 3.I regretted talking to you in that tone. 4.His words sounded very sarcastic.
5.I don't think I can accept your advice.