这就是我,请帮我把以下的翻译为英文拜托了各位 谢谢

我是一个男孩,是一个爱幻想的男孩。 晚上,我躺在床上,常常幻象,如果有一天太阳失踪了,整个世界就变成黑色的了。每天都生活在漆黑的世界里,会变成什么样呢? 写完作业后,我常常幻想,在未来的生活里不需要上学,只要把电脑打开老师就会出现在你的视线中,用幽默,风趣的语气给你讲课。 每次看到科学家的故事后,我常常幻想,如果我是科学家,我会发明出另一个地球,让一部分人到那个地球上居住。 我就是这样一个爱幻想的男孩。 为了让我的一些美好的幻想成为现实,我一定要好好学习!

I was a boy, is a fanciful boy. Night, I lay in bed, often illusion, if one day the sun disappeared, the whole world became black. Live every day in the dark world, what will become it? After you finish your homework, I often imagine in the next life do not need to go to school, just turn on the computer teacher will appear in your sight, with the humorous tone to give you a lecture. Every time I see the story of scientists, I often imagine that if I am a scientist, I would invent another planet, let some people into the earth to live. I was such a fanciful boy. To make some of my beautiful fantasy become a reality, I must study hard!
