A:Hello.______?B:This is Tony speaking.


Ⅰ. 教材回眸 ◆ 知识要点回顾 ◆ 1 . Could you … ? (你 / 你们……好吗?)句型多用来表示请求,这里的 could 比 can 语气更加委婉、客气和有礼貌,肯定回答多为:OK / All right ! / Certainly ! / Of course . 否定回答常是:Sorry , I / we can’t . (不用couldn’t )。如: —Could you lend me your dictionary ? —Of course . 2 . one 不仅可用作基数词表“一”之意,也能用作代词替代前面所提可数名词中的“一个”或代指“任何人”。例: 1 ) One and two is three . 一加二等于三。 2 ) I don’t have pens . Please give one to me . 我没有钢笔,请给我一支。 3 ) One must love one’s country . 任何人都必须爱国。 3 . You’re welcome . 用来回答对方的感谢时,相当于That’s OK . / that’s all right . / Not at all .。如: —Thank you very much . — You’re welcome . 4 . too 这个副词作“太”讲时通常修饰形容词或副词(放在其前);作“也”讲时多位于句尾(其前用逗号隔开)。例: 1)Your bag is too big . 你的包太大。 2)Your bag is big , too .你的包也大。 5 . 当名词前有定冠词、指示代词和物主代词修饰时,all 习惯上放在这些限定词之前。例:all my books(我所有的书)。 6 . the other 通常表示两者(部分)中的“另外那个(些)”,而不带定冠词的 other 多用来泛指“另一些”。试比较: 1 ) The twins are English . One is Lucy , the other is Lily . 这对双胞胎是英国人,一个叫露西,另一个叫莉莉。 2 ) I have many friends . Some are teachers , others are police men . 我有很多朋友,一些是教师,另一些是警察。 7 . socks , shoes , trousers , glasses(眼镜)等表示两部分构成的整体东西的名词习惯上用复数形式,如果指“一双(副)”,应用a pair of 短语修饰。例: a pair of socks(一双短袜),a pair of glasses(一副眼镜)等。 A pair of shoes is under the bed . 8 . 当询问“某人(物)怎么啦?”时,句型常用 What’s wrong with … ? 这里的疑问词 what 不可受汉语的影响误用 how 。例: —What’s wrong with your kite ? 你的风筝怎么啦? —It’s broken .它坏了。 9 . worry 作及物动词用时其后习惯上只接人作宾语,意为“使……担心”;worry 用作不及物动词其后能接人或物作宾语,但必须用介词 about ,意为“担心……”。例: 1 ) These apples worry me . 这些苹果使我担心。 2 ) Don’t worry about my lessons . 别担心我的功课。 10 . tea , milk , bread , water , meat , rice 等物质名词均为不可数名词,此类名词无复数形式,其前不可用不定冠词、基数词、指示代词等直接修饰,若表示它们的数量,其前必须加“计量名词 + of ”短语。例:a bottle of orange(一瓶桔汁),two cups of tea(两杯茶)。 但是常可以用:two cups of tea = two teas 两杯茶 11 . It’s time … 句型后接名词或代词时要用 for(介词),后接动词必须用 to(不定式符号),这里的主语 it 不可换用另的代词,且 time 前习惯上不用冠词。例: 1 ) It’s time for class . 该上课了。 2 ) It’s time to play games . 是做游戏的时候了。 注意:It is time for sb to do 该某人干…… 12 . something to eat (drink ) 意为“吃(喝)的东西”,to eat ( drink ) 为不定式作后置定语修饰不定代词 something 。例: We have something to eat now . 现在我们有东西吃。 Ⅱ. 典题赏析 ◆ 交际能力与测试指要 ◆ (1)根据所设情景选择最佳答案。如: 1 . — ______ ? — It’s eight thirty . A . How old is your sister B . What class are you in C . What’s the time , please D . What number is your car 2 . 当你有事想问别人,应先说声:______ . A . Excuse me B . I’m sorry C . Hello D . OK (2)根据对话情景,补全对话。如: Kate : Hi , Jim . ( 1 ) ? Jim : Fine , thank you . And you ? Kate : I’m fine , too . ( 2 ) ? Jim : Very well , thanks Kate : ( 3 ) ? Jim : Class Four . Kate : ( 4 ) ? Jim : Room Five . Kate : Oh , I see . A . Which is here classroom B . How is your sister C . How are you today D . What class is she in 解答“情景交际”题首先要清楚所设的情景是哪一类交际项目;其次要清楚在哪种情景下该说什么话,该如何表达自己的思想;还要清楚上下文情景的关系。 具体题还要具体对待。上面题型(1)中的第2小题,直接选A就行了。而第1小题就必须先辨别A、B、C、D四个选项各是什么意思,然后看答句的表达形式,才能依据交际常识判断是C。第(2)小题的一组对话设计了四个问句,这样的题则要根据上下文的内容和交际习惯,与对话一一对应。 选完后一定要默默读上两遍,细心体会一下语感,认真检查一下有无疏漏,最后确定。如果试题有图片,要善于利用图片上的信息,帮助答题,要善于从情景中悟出“天机”。 ◆ 交际英语讲练 ◆ ※ 问候 ( Greetings )  1 . “How are you ? ”“______” A . How do you do ? B . How are you ?  C . I‘m fine , thank you . D . What do you do ? ※ 介绍 ( Introductions )  2 . — Li Ping , ______ .  — Nice to meet you , Zhang Hong .  A . that’s my friend , Zhang Hong B . this is Zhang Hong C . she is Zhang Hong D . I introduce Zhang Hong to you 3 . “Nice to meet you . ”“_______” A . Is that so ? B . I‘ve got a cough .  C . Yes , do please . D . Nice to meet you , goo . ※ 打电话 ( Making telephone calls )  4 . “Hello , 5847552 . ”“Hi ! _____” A . Are you Linda ? B . Who are you ?  C . I am David . D . Is that Linda speaking ? 5 . — This is John speaking . Who is that ?  — _____ A . This is Bill . B . I am Bill .  C . You are Bill . D . Where is bill ? 6 . — Could I speak to headmaster ?  — ______ please .  A . Hold on for a moment B . Speak loudly C . He is at work D . What’s wrong ? 7 . A : Hello ! Could I speak to Miss Grey , please ?  B : ______ A . I‘m Miss Grey . B . Yes , you could .  C . SPeaking . D . Who are you ? 答案与简析: 1 . C。“How are you ? ”是熟人之间常用的客套招呼语,答语常用 “Fine , thank you . ”或“Very well , thank you . ”表示问候的用语还有“Good morning / afternoon / evening . Hello / Hi . ”等,答语须重复原话。 2 . B。介绍某人,常用句型“This is . . . ”。自我介绍则用“My name is . . . ”或“I’m . . . ”。 3 . D。“Nice to meet you . ”一般在两人初次见面被互相介绍后使用,其答语为“Nice to meet you , too . ”。“How do you do ? ”和“Glad to meet you . ”也属于介绍用语。 4 . D。打电话时,欲问对方是谁,应说“Who is that ( speaking ) ? ”。 5 . A。打电话时,欲说“我是……”,应说“This is . . . ”。 6 . A。接电话时,若想请对方别挂断或稍等,应说“Hold on ( for a moment ) , please . ”。 7 . C。接电话时,若你正是对方要找的人,可说“请讲” ( Speaking . ) ;若对方要找的人不在,可说“He / She isn‘t here right now . Can I take a message for you ? ”。 Ⅲ. 语法透视 ◆ 不可数名词用法举要 ◆ 不可以用数目来计算的名词称为不可数名词。学习不可数名词时,应注意以下几点: ▲不可数名词没有复数形式。如:some meat , some bread , 不可说 some meats , some breads 。 ▲不可数名词不能不定冠词 a , an 及数词修饰,但可用 some , any , much (许多),a lot of (许多),a little(一点)等直接修饰。如:我们不可以说a tea , two milk , 但可以说 some tea , much meat 。 ▲不可数名词前通常用量词来表示具体的数。如:a glass of water , two cups of tea , five pieces of bread 。需要注意的是:类似短语中的介词 of 不能省去,当数词大于“一”时,量词需要用复数形式。 ▲不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如: These is some water in the bottle . 瓶里有些水。 Is there any rice in the bag ? 袋子里有米吗? ▲若不可数名词前有复数数量词修饰时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如: There are three bottles of orange on the table . 桌上有三瓶桔汁。 试比较:There is some orange on the table . ▲对不可数名词前的修饰语提问,疑问词用 how much 。例如: They want two cups of tea . →How much tea do they want ? There is some milk in the glass . →How much milk is there is the glass ? ▲对不可数名词前量词部分的修饰语提问题,疑问词用 how many 。例如: They want two cups of tea . →How many cups of tea do they want ? ▲不可数名词表示特指时可用定冠词 the 修饰。例如: The bread on the table is Li Lei’s . 桌上的面包是李磊的。 ▲有些名词即可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词,但意思却大不相同。如:glass 作可数名词,意思是“玻璃杯”,作为不可数名词,意思是“玻璃”;room 作可数名词,意思是“房间”,作不可数名词,意思是“空间”。 I have many friends bread meat milk fish (面包)(肉)(牛奶)(鱼) Ⅳ. 难词解码 ◆ some 与 any之区别 ◆ some 和 any 都有“一些”的意思,都可作形容词、代词,可修饰或代替可数名词的复数形式或不可数名词,但两者用法不同。 一、some 一般用于肯定句中。例如: I can see some flowers . 我能直到一些花。 There is some milk in the glass . 杯子里有一些牛奶。 二、any 一般用于否定句和疑问句中。例如: — Can you see any bread on the table ? 你看到桌子上有面包吗? —Yes , I can see some . 是的, 我看到一些。 —Can you see any girls in the picture ? 你能看到图画上的女孩吗? —No , I can’t see any . 不, 我一个也看不到。 三、some 可用于表示请求、邀请、希望得到肯定答复的一般疑问句中。例如: — Can you give me some bread ? 你能给我一些面包吗? — Certainly . Here you are . 当然可以,给你。 Would you like some bread ? 你想要些面包吗? 同学们,请看,Polly 给我们编出了一句顺口溜: some 用于肯定句,疑问句、否定用 any ,请求、邀请与期待,仍用 some 代 any 。 ◆ do you like 与 would you like ◆ Do you like … ? 意为“你喜欢……吗?”“你爱……吗?”等,是提问者问对方习惯上喜爱什么,并不指目前一时爱好。其后常跟或 doing 结构作宾语。例: Do you like meat ? 你喜欢吃肉吗? Do you like playing basketball ? 你喜欢打篮球吗? 其肯定回答为 Yes , I do . ; 否定回答为 No . I don’t . 。 Would you like … ? 意为 “你想要……吗?”“你愿意……吗?”,指说话人委婉地向对方提出请求或建议,是指目前的情况,其后常跟名词或 to do 结构作宾语。例: Would you like some apples ? 你卢吃一些苹果吗? Would you like to have a cup of tea ?你想喝杯茶吗? 其肯定回答是 Yes , please . 或 Yes , I’d like / love to . ; 否定回答是 No , thanks . / thank you . 或 Yes , I’d like to , but … 等。例: A : Would you like a bottle of orange ? B : Yes , please . / No , thanks . would like 还可缩写为 ’d like 。例: I’d like to have a cup of tea . Ⅴ. 幽默趣赏 ◆ Tom’s Answer ◆ Tom : Dad , black hens are more clever than white hens , aren‘t they ? Dad : How do you know it , Tom ? Tom : Well , black hens can lay white eggs , but white hens can’t lay black eggs . 汤姆的回答 汤姆:爸爸,黑母鸡比白母鸡聪明,不是吗 ? 爸爸:你是怎么知道的,汤姆 ? 汤姆:喏,黑母鸡能下白色的蛋,而白母鸡不能下黑色的蛋。 ◆ The Red Ink ◆ Bob : Mum , I‘m making a picture of my father . Where is the red ink ? Mum : What do you want to do with the red ink ? Bob : I’ll colour his nose red . 红墨水 鲍勃:妈妈,我正在画一张爸爸的像,红墨水在哪里 ? 妈妈:你用红墨水干什么 ? 鲍勃:我要把他的鼻子着成红色。 ◆ A dishonest cat ◆ 一只不诚实的猫 1 . There lives a cat in the country . It likes telling lies , so that it glosses over its mistakes . 在乡下,有一只猫,它喜欢说谎,以便掩盖自己的过失。 2 . When it catches a rat , the rat gets away . It says , “ You are too thin . I won’t catch you until you become fat . ” 它捉老鼠时,老鼠逃跑了。它说:“你太瘦了,等你肥了我再捉你。” 3 . It climbs up a tree to catch birds , the birds flies away , and it falls off the tree . It says%D%A追问:%D%A这是七年级下册英语新目标的第一单元的吗?%D%A回答:%D%A对不起,好像弄错了...这个才是 Unit1知识全解及练习1、你的笔友来自哪里/是哪里人?Where is you pen pal from? / Where does your pen pal come from?from在这里作介词(又叫前置词prep.),意为“从…来;出自”。“be from / come from”是固定词组,意为“来自……/是……人”。双如:He comes from Austrilia / He is from Australia. 他是澳大利亚人。(或:他来自澳大利亚。)They are from Japan / They come from Japan. 他们是日本人。(或:他们来自日本。)2、国家(countries): France, Japan, the United Sates, the United Kingdom, China, Singapore. 城市(cities): Sydney, New York, Paris, Toronto,Tokyo.语言(languages): English, Chinese, Japanese, French,①你的笔友住在哪里? Where does you pen pal live? (他住在)东京。 He lives in Tokyo.②他们说什么语言? What language do they speak? (他们说)日语。They speak Japanese.3、我想要(结交)一位中国的笔友。 I want a pen pal in/from China.4、我能说英语和一点法语。 I can speak English and a little French. little在这里作副词(ad.),[表示否定](数量或程度上)微少,少到几乎没有。 a little [表示肯定]稍许,一点儿。little 和a little修饰不可数名词。又如: A little more sugar, please. 请再给我一点糖。 There is little bread in the plate. 盘子里没有面包了。 与之类似的是:few (形容词a.),[表示否定](数量或程度上)很少的,几乎没有的。 afew [表示肯定]有些,几个。few 和afew修饰可数名词。又如: Few people live to be 100. 活到100岁的人很少。 He wants to be back home in a few days.他想几天以后回家。5、我喜欢和朋友一起看电影和做运动. I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. like一词在中学英语中是一个使用频率很高的词,要正确用好它,就必须掌握好以下的句型: 基本形式①like + 可数名词(复数)→I like apples.我喜欢苹果。②like + 不可数名词(单数) →Do you like music? 你喜欢音乐吗?③like + 动词的‘ing’形式 →I like swimming.我爱好游泳。④like + to + 动词原形→I like to play football today.今天我喜欢去踢足球。 主要用法: ①用作动词(v.)“喜欢;感到喜欢;愿意;爱好”之意。无进行时态,既可表对人或物的“真挚感情”,也可表对某事的“浓厚兴趣和爱好”。其后可接名词(n.)、代词(pron.)、动名词(v.~ing)或不定式(to do)。如: I like the little boy.我喜欢这个小男孩。 [like+(n.)] She’s a nice girl. I like her.她是位好姑娘,我喜欢她。 [like+(pron.)] He likes fishing.他喜欢钓鱼。 [like+(v.~ing.)] 注:上述用法中的like可用be fond of 来替代。 She likes to hear music.我喜欢这个小男孩。 [like+(to do sth.)] ②用作介词(prep.),“像;像……一样”。且like前一般要有系动词,如:be/sound/taste等。如: His bike is like mine. 他的自行车跟我的那辆一样。 She sounds just like her mother. 她说话的声音和她妈妈一模一样。 It tastes like an apple. 其味如苹果。(直译:它尝起来和苹果一样。) ③与like有关的短语和重要句型: look like=look the same,“看起来像……;像……” She looks like her mother.(=She and her mother look the same.) 她长得很像她妈妈。 He looks like winning. 他看起来好像要赢了。 How do you like…?你觉得……怎么样?你希望吃(或喝)怎样的……?你喜欢……吗? How did you like the television drama?你觉得那部电视剧怎么样? How do you like your coffee,black or white?你喜欢喝怎样的咖啡?清咖啡还是加牛奶的? How do you like the work? 你喜欢这项工作吗? if you like. 如果你乐意(愿意/要这样做/理解……) I’ll drive, if you like. 如果你乐意的话,我来开车。 If you like, we’ll go. 你要走我们就走。 Come if you like. 如果说你喜欢的话,那就来吧。 I’ll go with you, if you like. 如果你喜欢的话,我会跟你走。 What is …like? ……怎么样? What is the weather like today? 今天的天气怎么样? Would / Could you like…?表示“希望、愿意、想要……” Would you like some tea? 要不要喝点茶? Would you like some more fruit? 再来点水果好吗? What would you like? 你想要(吃/喝)点什么? would/should like…“愿意/想要……” I would like you to come tonight. 我希望你今天晚上来。 I would like to come. 我想来。 like to do sth. 喜欢做某事(表示一次性的具体行为) like doing sth. 喜欢做某事(表示经常性或习惯性的动作) like sb. to do sth. 喜欢某人做某事 I like to play basketball today. 今天我想去打蓝球。(只指今天我喜欢做的事) I like playing basketball after school. 放学后我喜欢打蓝球。(表示放学后打蓝球已成了习惯) He likes me to help him with his English. 他喜欢让我帮他补习英语。Like 用法专项训练Ⅰ.翻译(每空一词)1. 他非常喜欢中国食品. He________Chinese food________ ________.2. 你想要去公园吗? ________you________to go to the park?3. 我一点儿也不喜欢这本书。I don’t________this book________ ________.4. 你觉得这部电影怎么样? ________do you________this film?5. 你想要什么?我想要些蛋糕。 —What________you________? —I________ ________ ________cakes。6. 这辆自行车看起来像我的。 The bike________ ________mine.7. 我喜欢唱歌,但今天不想唱。 I________ ________, but I don’t ________ ________ ________today.8. 你爸爸喜欢看电视吗? ________your father________ ________ TV?9. 李雷喜欢饭后帮助妈妈洗碗。 Li Lei________ ________his mother to ________the plates after meals。10.今天天气怎么样? ________ the weather ________today?II.按要求变换句式1. Tony likes Chinese people and food. (改为一般疑问句) ___________________________2. I’d like to teach you English. (改为一般疑问句)_____________________________3. Lily likes bread. (改为一般疑问句,并作简略回答)______________________________4. They like China very much.(对划线部分提问)______________________________5. I’d like to have a glass of milk. (对划线部分提问)_______________________________6. I like it very much. (改为同义句) I like it________ ________.参考答案:I. 1. likes, very much/ a lot 2. Would/ Do, like/ want 3. like, at all 4. How, like 5. would, like, would like some 6. looks like/ is like 7. like singing,want to sing 8. Does,like watching 9. likes helping, wash 10. What’s, likeII. 1. Does Tom like Chinese people or food? 2. Would you like me to teach you English? 3.Does Lily like bread?; Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. 4.How do they like China? 5.What would you like? 6. a lot 6、喜欢和不喜欢: like and dislike. 7、你能尽快给我写信吗? Can you write to me soon? 8、请尽快写信告诉我有关你的情况。 Please write and tell me about yourself. write在这里的含意是“写信”,“write to sb.”是“给某人写信”。如: He writes to me everyday. 他每天给我写信。 Why didn’t you write and tell me? 你为什么不写信告诉我? %D%A补充:%D%A这个不知道你用得上吗?国名语言公民首都标志国旗the United States English American Washington D.C. Japan JapaneseJapaneseTokyo 富士山 (Fuji Mountain) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandEnglish Englishman London 伦敦大本钟FranceFrenchFrenchmanPairsGermanyGermanGermanBerlin勃兰登堡门CanadaEnglish & French CanadianOttawa渥太华 AustraliaEnglish AustralianCanberra堪培拉ItalyItalianItalianRome比 萨 斜 塔RussiaRussianRussianMoscowGreeceGreekGreekAthensSingaporeEnglish & Chinese SingaporeanSingaporeEgyptArabic & English EgyptianCairoIsraelArabic & EnglishIsraeliteJerusalem IndiaEnglishIndianNew Delhi %D%A
第1个回答  2014-08-15
who is that追答


第2个回答  2014-08-15
May I speak to Tony?
第3个回答  2014-08-15
who's that
第4个回答  2014-08-15
Could(May)I speak to Tony.? / Is Tony in?