【It's a fun and easy way to catch a meal.

【It's a fun and easy way to catch a meal.【to catch a meal.】是什么词性?修饰哪一个

这是一个句式,it's +adj (形容词)to do sth,意思是做某事怎么样,it 是形式主语,而 “to catch a meal”是 不定式结构 ,指的是it代表的内容,修饰的是“ a fun and easy way ”追问

再请教底下两个句型【】的词性是状语吗?还是宾语?修饰哪个词?These shrimp come from a shrimp farm and are clean and health 【to eat.】
Shrimp finishing is a good activity for people【to do together.】

