

Weather:Sunny/Cloudy/Rainy Date:Saturday, August 26, 2017 Mood:Happy/blue/sad/excited I'm glad it's just a cloudy day, because I plan to climb the mountain today. I got up early in the morning, and when I carried the backpack I had wrapped up yesterday, I set out for a meeting with my friend. It is because of such a fine day that our mountain climbing plan has not failed, so we can have a wonderful and fulfilling weekend. 【翻译】天气:晴天/多云/雨天日期:2017年8月26日星期六心情:高兴/忧郁/悲伤/激动我很高兴今天正好是一个多云的天,因为我今天计划去爬山。一大早我就起了床,在我背起昨天就已经整理好的背包后,我就出发来到了和我的朋友约定好的地方见面。正是由于有一个这么好的天气我们的爬山计划才没有泡汤,我们才能度过一个美好又充实的周末。