

你太贴心了you're so sweet;you're sweet;Sweet of you;that's really sweet;That's sweet

你真贴心 又一颗钻石You're so sweet. Another diamond.你真贴心 谢谢 我很喜欢You're so sweet. Thank you. I love it.

不疼 你真贴心 亲爱的但你不必每隔五分钟 就关心我一次No. You're sweet to worry, honey, but you don't need to check on me every five minutes.

谢谢,你真贴心,好漂亮Thank you. You're sweet. They're really lovely.拉里,你真贴心Larry, you're so sweet.你真贴心 但不用了You're sweet, but no.你真贴心 想到了联系我

It was so thoughtful of you to reach out to me.你真贴心 不过她就是这个样子You are very kind, but it is so.我很快乐,你真贴心I'm just happy, that's so thoughtful.
