

第1个回答  2022-07-21



  1. come in 进来

  2. talk about 谈论

  3. tell…about 告诉某人某事

  4. write to sb 给某人写信

  5. put it/ them away 把……收拾好/放好

  6. look after 照顾/保管

  7. and so on 等等

  8. help my father clean the study 帮助我爸打扫书房

  9. love playing on the computer 喜欢玩电脑

  10. community service center 社区服务中心

  11. in our area 在我们的地区

  12. call sb for help 打电话向某人求助

  13. many families with young children 带年轻小孩的许多家庭

  14. do sports 做运动

  15. sports center 运动中心

  16. have a colorful life 拥有五彩缤纷的生活

  17. be kind to each other 对彼此很友好

  18. move from the countryside to cities 从乡村搬到城市

  19. the cost of living 生活的费用

  20. miss country life 想念乡村生活

  21. go along 沿着

  22. to the end 直到尽头

  23. on your left/right 在你的左边/右边

  24. at the third crossing 在第三个十字路口

  25. turn left/right 向左转/向右转

  26. the way to 去……的路

  27. go across the bridge 跨过桥

  28. be across from 在…..的对面

  29. between …and 在……和…..之间

  30. on the corner of… 在……的拐角处

  31. walk on 继续走

  32. 15 kilometers away from here 离这儿15千米

  33. need to do sth 需要做某事

  34. take Bus No.718= take the No. 718 bus 乘坐718路公交车

  35. change to… 转乘……

  36. how far 多远

  37. public telephone 公用电话

  38. traffic lights 交通灯

  39. no parking 禁止停车

  40. no left/right turn 禁止向左/向右转

  41. keep safe 保证安全

  42. walk on the street 走在路上

  43. get hurt 受伤

  44. lose one’s life (lives) 丧生

  45. in traffic accidents 在交通事故中

  46. obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则

  47. cross the street = go across the street 过马路

  48. see the green ―walk‖ sign 看见绿灯行的标志

  49. look both ways 看两边

  50. look left/ right 看左边/右边

  51. play on the street 在街上玩耍

  52. be careful 要小心

  53. be good to do sth 做某事是好的

  54. a ticket for speeding 一张超速驾驶的罚单

  55. a ticket for drunk-driving 一张酒后驾车的罚单

  56. a ticket for parking in the wrong place 一张乱停车罚单

  57. a ticket for making a wrong turn 一张错转弯罚单

  58. drive too fast 开车太快

  59. drive after drinking 酒后驾车

  60. miss sth 错过某物

  61. miss sb 想念某人

  62. talk about 谈论

  63. talk with sb. 和某人交谈

  64. after class 课后

  65. a big fan of sb. 某人的超级粉丝

  66. be born 出生

  67. next Sunday 下个周日

  68. plan to do 计划做某事

  69. have a birthday party 举办生日聚会

  70. a model plane 一个飞机模型

  71. use sth. for doing/ use sth to do sth 用来做

  72. cook a big dinner 做一顿丰盛的晚餐

  73. buy a birthday cake 买个生日蛋糕

  74. in January/February/March/April/May/June/July/August/

  75. September/October/November/December 在一至十二月

  76. on May 22nd 月22日

  77. a present for Kangkang’s birthday给康康的生日礼物

  78. at Kangkang’s birthday party 在康康的生日聚会上

  79. play the piano/guitar 弹钢琴/吉他

  80. sing some songs 唱些歌

  81. dance to disco 跳迪斯科

  82. perform ballet 表演芭蕾舞

  83. have a good time 过得很痛快

  84. take photos 拍照

  85. draw pictures 画画

  86. read English books 看英文书

  87. make model planes 制作模型飞机

  88. happy birthday to you 祝你生日快乐

  89. take sth. to… 把某物带到…

  90. so many flowers/so much food 这么多的花/这么多的食物

  91. so smart 如此聪明

  92. count them for me 为我把它们数一下

  93. do….very well 做得非常好

  94. just a little 就一些,只有一些

  95. one year ago 一年前

  96. fly a kite/fly kites 放风筝

  97. in the past 在过去

  98. last year/next year去年/明年

  99. live in London住在伦敦

  100. at the age of five在五岁时


  1. a few words一些单词

  2. There was something wrong with……有问题

  3. not….any more不再,再也不

  4. with sb’s help =with the help of sb在某人的帮助下

  5. her first book她的第一本书

  6. want to be…. 想要成为……

  7. perform some magic tricks表演魔术

  8. enjoy oneself=have a good time玩得高兴

  9. program list节目单

  10. guitar/piano playing 吉他/钢琴表演

  11. miss the chair/train错过椅子/火车

  12. hurt oneself 弄伤自己

  13. at once=right away 立刻,马上

  14. wash one’s hands 洗手

  15. last night/year/month/Sunday 昨晚/去年/上个月/上星期天

  16. next time/year/month/Sunday 下次/明年/下个月/下星期天

  17. get home 到家

  18. tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事

  19. come back home 回家来

  20. at/in one’s home 在某人家里

  21. forget sb. /sth./to do sth 忘记某人/某物/做某事

  22. food and drinks 食物和饮料

  23. each of us/the students我们/学生中的每一个

  24. make sth. by hand手工制作某物

  25. sit around sb./sth.围着某人/某物坐

  26. make a wish许愿

  27. blow out吹灭

  28. perform Chinese Kung fu表演中国功夫 celebrate sth. with sb.和某人庆祝

  29. the Musical Chair Game抢椅子游戏

  30. lose a game输掉比赛

  31. have a wonderful party举办一个美妙的派对

  32. shout to sb. 朝某人大喊

  33. go to climb hills去爬山

  34. watch a soccer game看一场足球赛

  35. have a big dinner吃一顿大餐

  36. fall down摔倒

  37. in spring /summer/fall/winter在春/夏/秋/冬

  38. learn to swim学游泳

  39. nice and bright=very bright非常明亮

  40. climb hills 爬山

  41. make snowmen/make a snowman 堆雪人

  42. It’s hard to say 很难说

  43. remember to do sth. 记住去做某事

  44. put on 穿;戴

  45. go outside=go out 出去

  46. the lowest temperature 最低温度

  47. the highest temperature 最高温度

  48. summer holidays 暑假

  49. had better do sth. 最好做某事

  50. had better not do sth. 最好不要做某事

  51. know about 知道,了解

  52. in most parts of China 在中国大部分地区

  53. need to do sth. 需要做某事

  54. later on 以后,后来,随后

  55. get fine/warm 变好/转晴

  56. come back to life 苏醒,复苏,复活

  57. come out 开花;出版;发行

  58. be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事

  59. perform Beijing Opera 表演京剧

  60. right away=at once 立刻;马上

  61. fall from 从……落下

  62. take a walk 散步

  63. have a short rest 休息一会儿

  64. wear warm clothes 穿保暖的衣服

  65. on your holidays 在你的假期

  66. the best time to go there 去那儿的最佳时间

  67. wear sunglasses/a T-shirt and shorts 戴太阳镜/穿T-恤衫和短裤

  68. return in March 三月份回来

  69. turn green 变绿

  70. turn windy an cloudy 变得有风和阴天

  71. come after 在……之后来

  72. the harvest season 收获的季节

  73. last from…to… 从……持续到……

  74. see sb. doing 看见某人正在做某事

  75. get back home 回到家

  76. change a lot 多变

  77. take some pictures/photos 照相

  78. blow strongly 猛烈地吹

  79. rain heavily 下大雨

  80. shine brightly 明亮地照耀

  81. rain suddenly 突然下雨

  82. go back to 返回

  83. get together with sb. 与某人团聚

  84. some places of interest 一些名胜

  85. each of you 你们中的每一个人

  86. go for a holiday 度假

  87. go on a holiday 度假

  88. go on a trip=take a trip 去旅游

  89. the best time to do sth. 做某事的最好时候

  90. all(the)year around 一年到头

  91. a pair of 一双

  92. on your holiday 在你的假期

  93. prepare well for 为…做好准备

  94. keep you safe 保持你安全

  95. share the fun 分享乐趣

  96. put on 穿上

  97. stay in the sun 待在阳光下

  98. swim alone 独自游泳

  99. keep away from 远离

  100. cook in the mountains 在山里做饭


  1. at the school gate 在校门口

  2. by bike/car/bus/subway(underground)/train/plane/ship/boat/on foot骑自行车,坐小汽车,坐公交车,坐地铁,坐火车,坐飞机,坐轮船,坐小船,步行

  3. take the subway home=go home by subway 坐地铁回家

  4. walk to the park=go to the park on foot 步行去公园

  5. ride a bike to school=go to school by bike 骑自行车去上学

  6. take a bus to the zoo=go to the zoo by bus 坐公交车去动物园

  7. come on 快点,加油

  8. on weekdays 在工作日

  9. know about 了解

  10. the school life of American students 美国学生们的校园生活

  11. In one’s free time 在某人的空闲时间

  12. play basketball/soccer 打篮球/踢足球

  13. do one’s homework 做某人的作业

  14. see a film/movie 看电影

  15. Listen to music 听音乐

  16. for a short time 一会儿

  17. after school 放学后

  18. be over 结束

  19. have no more time 没有更多的时间

  20. talk to sb. 和某人谈话

  21. come to library 来图书馆

  22. get home 到家

  23. go to bed 去睡觉

  24. go swimming 去游泳

  25. how often 多久一次

  26. once/twice/three times a week 一周一次/两次/三次

  27. at about five o’clock 在大约五点钟

  28. a quarter past five=five fifteen 五点十五分

  29. half past five=five thirty 五点三十分

  30. a quarter to six=five forty-five 五点四十五分

  31. be different from 与......不同

  32. on the playground 在操场上

  33. in the swimming pool 在游泳池里

  34. on the shelf/shelves(复数) 在书架上

  35. like ... best=favorite 最喜欢

  36. on time 准时

  37. at school/home/table 在学校/家里/桌旁

  38. over there 在那边

  39. the Great Wall 长城

  40. of course=sure 当然

  41. have an English class/lesson 上英语课

  42. Thank you anyway. / Thank you all the same. 仍然感谢你

  43. at the Lost and Found 在失物招领处

  44. on the telephone 通过电话

  45. play cards 打牌

  46. do some cleaning 打扫

  47. ID card 身份证

  48. show sb. around 带某人参观

  49. have a soccer game 进行足球比赛

  50. write a letter 写信

  51. clean the blackboard 擦黑板

  52. at the back of 在......后面(内部)

  53. draw pictures 画画

  54. in a computer room/teachers office/classroom building/gym/library/lab/dining hall 在电脑室;教师办公室;教学楼;健身房;图书馆;实验室;食堂

  55. make cards 制作卡片

  56. look for 寻找

  57. run around the playground 绕着操场跑

  58. a few students=some students 一些学生

  59. read English newspapers 看英语报纸

  60. love swimming 喜欢游泳

  61. play a guessing game 玩竞猜游戏

  62. next class 下节课

  63. class meeting 班会

  64. computer science 计算机科学

  65. every week 每周

  66. learn about 了解

  67. work on math problems 做数学题

  68. talk about 谈论

  69. a map of China 中国地图

  70. my favorite outdoor activity 我最喜爱的户外运动

  71. do outdoor activities 做户外活动

  72. Between...and... 二者之间

  73. from... to... 从...到....

  74. different kinds of stamps 不同种的邮票

  75. be kind to sb. 对某人友善

  76. learn a lot from... 向...学习很多

  77. on Tuesdays 在每周二

  78. a little difficult 有点难

  79. some other subjects 其他一些科目

  80. in the school hall 在学习大厅

  81. go out for a walk 出去散步

  82. get up late 起床晚

  83. on the first/second floor 在一/二楼

  84. on the wall/in the wall 在墙上(表面)/(嵌入)

  85. on the shelf 在书架上

  86. on the left/ right of the yard 在院子左/右边

  87. on the tree 在树上(树上结出的花,叶,果)

  88. in the tree 在树上(外来物)

  89. in your study 在书房

  90. in the center of the yard 在院子中央

  91. in the garden 在花园

  92. under the bed 在床下

  93. next to/ besides the garden 在花园旁边

  94. near the window 在窗户附近

  95. in front of the classroom 在教室前面(自身以外)

  96. in the front of the classroom 在教室前面(内部)

  97. behind the house 在教室后面(自身以外)

  98. at the back of the classroom 在教室后面(内部)

  99. so many +可数名词复数/so much +不可数名词 这么多

  100.go upstairs / downstairs 上下楼

  101. arrive in/at 到达大地点/小地点

  102. be different from 与…在一起

  103. help sb.(to )do sth. 帮助某人做某事

  104. take the right clothing 带合适的服装

  105. dangerous places 危险的地方

  106. keep together with 和…在一起

  107. climb a mountain 爬高山

  108. the Spring Festival 春节

  109. perform lion and dragon dances 舞龙舞狮

  110. the Lantern Festival 元宵节

  111. the Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节

  112. Mother’s Day 母亲节

  113. Teacher’s Day 教师节

  114. International Labor Day 国际劳动节

  115. National Day 国庆节

  116. the Dragon Boat Festival 龙舟节(端午节)

  117. get together 聚在一起

  118. come back to life 复活

  119. be busy preparing for it 忙于准备它

  120. a big event 大事件

  121. on the eve of 在……的前夕

  122. play tricks on sb. 捉弄某人

  123. watch the national flag go up 看国旗升起

  124. knock on sb.’s doors 敲门

  125. lucky money 压岁钱

  126. give my best wishes to your parents 给你们的父母亲我最好的祝愿