

在乌镇举办的第四届世界互联网大会吸引了众多业界领袖。会议期间的社交场合同样星光熠熠,特别是雷军与余承东等知名企业家参与的丁磊饭局,成为了媒体和公众的热议话题。网络上流传的照片显示,雷军与余承东举杯共饮,气氛友好而热烈。这次饭局的参与者名单 reads like a who's who of the tech industry, including Ma Huateng from Tencent, Shen Xinping from Microsoft, Zhang Chaoyang from Sohu, Yu Chengdong from Huawei, Wang Xing from Meituan-Dianping, Li Yanhong and Zhang Yakun from Baidu, Lei Jun from Xiaomi, Liu Qiangdong from JD.com, Shen Nanpeng from Sequoia Capital, Yang Yuanqing from Lenovo, and Cheng Wei from Didi Chuxing, among others. The table settings sparked curiosity about the menu, with seafood appearing to be the star of the evening, taking up a significant portion of the table. According to the owner of Jin Yi客栈, the chefs responsible for the seafood were brought in from NetEase, indicating the attendees' preference for expertly prepared seafood dishes. As for whether Apple's CEO Tim Cook, who was also present at the conference, joined the dinner, that remains a matter of speculation.