

第1个回答  2022-11-09


If you are the Yangtze River, don't care if others say you are a stream. Don't blindly envy the beauty of the eagle. Camels are still charming.


In the most beautiful years! Youth will eventually decay. Time is fair to everyone. Everyone is fresh in recent years. No one can afford to lose.


To grasp youth is to dedicate this beauty to the great world, so that it can be indefinitely prolonged and its precious value can be embodied.


We can't live in youth without regret, but we must live in youth with peace of mind.


Are women born for love, so they are always braver than men in front of love?


There is no mountain higher than man, no road longer than foot, believe me, never give up, you will fly higher.


Don't let me wait for you any longer. I'm afraid I don't have enough courage to wait for you all the time. What's more, I'm afraid that if we walk, we will never find each other again.


There are many things, but when they are connected with youth, they are nothing. Once they leave youth, they are nothing.


Young love can be quiet, but in the years to e, I will always walk in the scenery without you.


To the end. Being confused by reality, I finally found that it is not difficult to fall in love with a person who has only seen a few faces, for the sake of life.


Dream, like a gust of wind, blows to the future; Dream, like a ship, drifts to the distant place; Dream, like a lamp, lights up tomorrow.


The earth will not change its natural law because of a person's thorough hurt heart. Tomorrow's sun will still rise and life will continue.


Don't refuse to say that beautiful oath because it may change. Don't dare to ask for a heart-to-heart encounter because it may be separated.


Youth is so good that you feel like a wave no matter how you live. Looking back, you will regret it.


After many difficulties and dangers, we finally paved a stone road to success.


Youth is a mirage of a sea city, and beauty is fleeting. Perhaps the so-called immortality can only end in tragedy like Ruan Guan.


The beauty and value of youth lie in its innocence and flawless, in its accessibility and unattainability, and in its never-return.


My dream is to always be young, happy and fortable, and then die in the happiest.


Everyone's youth, eventually can not escape a love. Here, there is love, affection, joy and happiness, but there is no eternity alone.


Youth is a book that cannot be closed when it is opened, life is a road that cannot be turned back when it is set, and love is a bet that cannot be taken when it is thrown away.


No kind of carmine can daub time, no dress can hide soul, no set of ancient books can decorate emptiness.


Youth is the bird of the sky in the beautiful memory. Youth is the sour love in the years of youth. Youth is the silent expression in the delicate notebook.


That's ridiculous. You *** oked too! Life is really ironic, a person should bee the most disgusted appearance he ever had!


If the end is happy, I would rather bear all the pain; if the end is painful, I would rather give up all the happiness.


We always envy the beautiful flowers blooming on the edge of the cliff because the places where the flowers are in full bloom are beyond our reach.


His last weapon was to despise her and convince himself that she was not so important in his mind. Not even that.


Youth is speechless, but it glows with vitality, flowers are speechless, but it emits fragrance, spring rain is speechless, but it moistens the earth.


Youth is a song, which touches the heartstrings of our youth; Youth is a fire, which ignites our boiling blood.


When you e back one day, you will find that you are waiting for you in situ, with a quiet *** ile.


What is too good is never suitable for experience, because once experienced, it can not be fotten.


It used to be like a paper clip, fixing a page of youth, and then turning it into an unpublished book.


Let's seize the charm of youth and let the happiness of youth go with us.


The most beautiful youth is just one or o friends who always acpany you and a lover who can't be stolen.


Dream is the cornerstone of helping others succeed; Dream is the driving force of inspiration; Dream is the source of courage.


The purpose of experiencing youth once in a lifetime is to listen to the voice of a flower, to see the silence of a flower, and then to leave.


I've never been known by anyone, so I've never been fotten by anyone. Living in other people's memories is not my goal.