让某人回想起某事是用recall sth. to sb. 还是recall sb. to sth.?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

英语 让某人回想起某事是用recall sth. to sb. 还是recall sb. to sth.?例如:那幅画让我想起了以前的日子。可以这样表达吗? That picture recall the old days to me.

That picture recall me to the old days. 例句: recall sb. from abroad 把某人从国外召回 recall my schooldays 回忆起我的学生时代 recall sb. to a sense of his duties 唤起某人的责任感 recall sb. to life 使某人复活 recall one's words 收回前言 recall an order 取消命令 Recall the misery of the past and contrast it with the happiness of today. "想想过去的苦,比比今天的甜。"