
Recently three of us were walking through a hall.A 5-year-old boy carrying a drink was shead of us,with his parents several meters in front of him.At one point,the boy fell down and half of his drink spilled onto the floor.seeing the mess he had made,he ran to catch up with his parents.We watched as he stopped his parents,they turned,and he pointed to the spill.However,his parents turned around,andkept walking,leaving the spill for someone else to clean up-not their problem,I siad to myself.
Icould tell that this bothered the child because he lept looking back to check on that spill all the way out of the building.His parents?Not once did they turn and look back.Not once.
What message did those parents send to their child?He obviously kenw that he had made the mess and needed to clean it up.They taught him that if you just walk away,someone slse will clean up your mess.
It was the end of a long day and everyone was really tried.But as parents,we need to always be careful of what lessons we are teaching our children.Maybe on a different day, when the parents hadn’t been burned out from having walked miles in a hall, they might have stopped to clean up the mess.But this day,they ignored it,and that boy will never forget the lesson they taught him.Let’s all try to know that children are watching us,whether it is convenient or not,and they want us to show them how to be good citizens.

第1个回答  2010-10-06
Recently three of us were walking through a hall.A 5-year-old boy carrying a drink was shead of us,with his parents several meters in front of him.At one point,the boy fell down and half of his drink spilled onto the floor.seeing the mess he had made,he ran to catch up with his parents.We watched as he stopped his parents,they turned,and he pointed to the spill.However,his parents turned around,andkept walking,leaving the spill for someone else to clean up-not their problem,I siad to myself.
Icould tell that this bothered the child because he lept looking back to check on that spill all the way out of the building.His parents?Not once did they turn and look back.Not once.
What message did those parents send to their child?He obviously kenw that he had made the mess and needed to clean it up.They taught him that if you just walk away,someone slse will clean up your mess.
It was the end of a long day and everyone was really tried.But as parents,we need to always be careful of what lessons we are teaching our children.Maybe on a different day, when the parents hadn’t been burned out from having walked miles in a hall, they might have stopped to clean up the mess.But this day,they ignored it,and that boy will never forget the lesson they taught him.Let’s all try to know that children are watching us,whether it is convenient or not,and they want us to show them how to be good citizens.
第2个回答  2010-10-06





第3个回答  2010-10-06
我能告诉你,这个麻烦,因为他赛季初的孩子,回过头来检查所有的泄漏走出大楼的. 他的父母是做什么工作的?他们把从前没有,回首不止一次。
这些父母送什么信息与他们的小孩吗? 显然他知道他犯了混乱,需要把它收拾干净他们教导他,如果你只是走开,一个首要要收拾好你的混乱。
这是漫长的一天过后,每个人都在努力但是作为家长,我们需要一直小心什么课教我们的孩子,我们是…也许在不同的日子,当父母并没有被从走哩大厅时,他们可能会停下来去收拾残局的. 但这一天,他们忽略了它,那男孩将永远不会忘记他们教他我们都想知道孩子们正在看我们是否方便与否,他们想让他们如何成为好公民。
