

常规 say speak talk
吱吱叫 twitter
窃窃私语 耳语 whisper
低音 undertone
常规 walk (out of the room)
小偷 slip out
小姐 sail out
小孩 dance out
老人 stagger out
常规 angry
愤怒的 pissed
激怒 irritate
愤怒 rage
暴怒 enraged
狂怒 发疯的 mad
第1个回答  2010-10-06
私语whisper 大喊cry
蹑手蹑足地走, 缓慢地行进 creep
潜行; 偷偷溜走 snuck
跋涉, 吃力地走 trudge
He trudged wearily along the path.

has a temper生气
fly into a rage 很生气
(因不合心意而不愉快) take offence; get angry; be offended with; be angry at; be in a rage with sb.; fall into a rage; fly into a passion; be in a passion; be cross with sb.; be furious at; be red [white] with anger; be white with rage; thunder at a person; be in a thundering rage; be exasperated with a person; fly into a fury; be beside oneself with anger; boil with rage; be filled with fury; be burning with anger; be in a great rage; bristle with anger; make angry; be annoyed; be ruffled; be irritable; be fretful; irritate; be indignant at sth.; take sth. amiss; be incensed at; His back is up.; get one's back up; see red; give sb. a fit; have a fit; be in a huff; bridle with anger; be in a temper; set one's teeth on edge; cut up rough; crotchety; fly off the handle; go off the deep end; be mad about; make one's blood boil; go off the top; play sb. up; raise Cain; take on; fire up
第2个回答  2010-10-06
说:murmur speak tell talk say ask chat gossip word

生气:angry rage enraged wrath annoy vexed irritate sulk offend take offence

走:teeter(步履不稳)march行进 pace 踱步 stalk 迈大步 stride 跨步 tread 践踏 tramp 重步 step stroll trudge ramble roam creep meander loiter
第3个回答  2010-10-06
speak, say
第4个回答  2010-10-06
说 speak talk say persuade explain

走 go walk track pad wend

生气 get angry take offence in a rage
irritate pissed off