


一篇英语作文 电子词典的好处坏处以及你的看法

About Tele-dictionaryNowadays many people use tele-dictionaries to look up words.I know it is very convenient . We can put it in the bag or in our pocket and we can carry it anywhere. In addition, many tele-dictionaries have many other effects.For exaple, we can take time schedule in it,store some important messages in it ,such as friends' adresses, E-mail, telephone numbers.On the other hand, maybe we will depend on the tele-dictionary.That is to say, when we meet a new word in reading,we will refer to it without thinking about it ourselves.So it can make us lazy.


long ago. there were three hunters. one can not use gun and the others had no gun. they met three rabbit. o were shot by the gun and got away. one was not shot but fallen down. the hunter hold one rabbit up and went ahead they came to a house with no windows no walls and no doors he called the owner out . said , we want to cook a rabbit would you please borrow a pan to us ? o i have three pans o are broken and one has no bottom . grate! we just want a pan with no bottom . then . the hunter cooked the rabbit by the pan with no bottom







1、好易通CD-500+,¥300-¥330,内置《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第6版)、《现代汉语词典》(汉英双语版)、《剑桥百科全书》、英汉词典、汉英词典、日汉祥解、汉日词典、日语外来语、俚语词典、分级词典、单词结构、同义反义、成语词典、专业辞典(161合一)(下载) 、 多国词典(11国:英/中/日/韩/德/法/西/意/葡/俄/泰)2、好易通CD-580,¥320-¥360,内置《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第7版)、《现代汉语词典》(汉英双语版)、《剑桥百科全书》、英汉词典、汉英词典、俚语词典、分级词典、单字字构、同义反义、中华成语、古汉语字典/下载词典: 专业辞典(165本)3、好易通CD-600+,¥399-¥500,内置《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第六版、《现代汉语词典》、《剑桥百科》(含图)、汉英词典,中英日韩四国俚语、分级词典、增补词典(网络下载)、80本专业词库(主机内置+光盘附赠+网络下载) 、10国辞典。


//金山词霸%202009&dt=1000030&redirect=no金山词霸2009 破解版(牛津版SP1) 免激活安装特别版|有新牛津英汉双解大词典等 电脑上用的话这个最好了,不用联网就能查



1 高中以上或大学非英语专业的学生可以用诺亚舟的,比如CE200之类的,或者文曲星NC2000,这些都是相对词汇比较大的,但是版本是不一样的了,前者是新英汉,后者有英文对单词解释 2 英语专业的学生要用朗文版本的电子词典,比如步步高,好易典,这些都要是有英英解释的。


4有条件的同学买相对好点的,比如Casio的,那个比较全质量也很好 采纳啊!谢谢!




lingoes灵格斯,辞典资源比较丰富,例句也地道另外哥们,学外语,最重要的是有兴趣,老对着书本你肯定犯困,看双语字幕电影学最实在了 给你几个理由 第一,老外编剧写的台词,每个字都精确斟酌,保证语法语意通畅,要想学好外语,首先得保证学习资料的质量,总是拿半桶水的国人同胞自己写的那些蹩脚英文,你将永远只会说中国味的外语 第二,老外专业配音演员的口音,保证纯正地道,切音调,语速,语气变化丰富,适合模仿,便于训练听力,想想看,老外的吵架你都能轻松听懂,还在乎国人配音的慢速磁带么 第三,老老实实一句句抄写台词,即可以加强记忆,也能锻炼英文书法,还可以训练速记 第四,摘抄下来的台词,勤勤恳恳的每天抽时间背记,可以尝试结合影片情节记忆,效果相当好,要知道,你在记的正是老外每天在说的话,就好像我们生活在真实的国外环境当中一样 第五,常找人操练英文,百度HI或MSN都有,即便只有文字交流的机会,也要珍惜,顶多边打字边动嘴巴 第六,有问题多上网查询,那里有很多答案,总有一个你会满意 做到以上的,你完全可以不用听老师讲课也能考优秀了 我是个干苦力活的,没念过书,为了改变自己悲惨的现状,我也在刻苦练英文,用的就是这个方法,别瞎浪费钱买这买那,但最好带个MP5 考试过关最好的办法,把每个词,每个句子,每篇文章都能看懂....

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第1个回答  2023-06-10
Electronic Dictionary

Electronic dictionary, also known as e-dictionary, is a portable electronic device that can store and display words and their meanings. It is an extremely useful tool for students and professionals who need to look up words quickly and efficiently.

One of the main advantages of electronic dictionaries is their convenience. They are small and lightweight, which makes them easy to carry around in a backpack or purse. They are also much faster to use than traditional paper dictionaries, as users can simply type in the word they are looking for and the dictionary will provide them with the definition.

Another advantage of electronic dictionaries is their accuracy. Many electronic dictionaries are designed to be up-to-date with the latest words and phrases, ensuring that users have access to the most relevant and accurate information. In addition, many electronic dictionaries offer additional features such as pronunciation guides, example sentences, and synonyms and antonyms.

Despite their many advantages, electronic dictionaries do have some drawbacks. One of the main disadvantages is their cost. Electronic dictionaries can be quite expensive, especially those with advanced features and functions. In addition, some users may find the screen size of electronic dictionaries to be too small, making it difficult to read the definitions.

In conclusion, electronic dictionaries are an extremely useful tool for students and professionals who need to look up words quickly and efficiently. While they may be more expensive than traditional paper dictionaries, their convenience and accuracy make them a worthwhile investment for anyone who needs to use a dictionary on a regular basis.