

第1个回答  2014-04-22
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It is evident that ebooks have lots of advantages in our modern life, especially matching up with our rapid paces of daily grind. First of all, the kind of reading type can save us much time to find and lend the paper books in the brick-and-mortar bookstores or libraries. For example, you needn't to borrow and return your books within the deadline, and you needn't drive your car from miles away to the bookshops that are probably quite few in the city.
What's more, another merit of ebooks is that their prices tend to be much cheaper than those of paper books. Therefore, you can buy or download much more books without much money, which I suppose is the most attractive point to people who are fond of the ebooks.
Last but not the least, it is so easy to carry out and take away for ebooks, which means you just a ipad or CP and you will have all the resources and references in the bookshop or library. Generally speaking, there are more and more electronic products or equipmenst that play the role in the carriers of ebooks, which bring huge chances to the growth of ebook industry.

Admittedly, every coin has its two sides. The improper use of ebooks also leads to several negative impacts, for instance, some kinds of porns or violent books may easily to be found and downloaded online for the young generation. Furthermore, the traditional type of reading has its cultural value and historical worth, so it will never disappear.