



In the United States, as in many other developed countries, the cost of housing has risen faster than the salaries of those who might buy it. In recent years, this disparity has become even greater - to the point where it is now frequently said, bitterly, that only those who already have a house may buy a new one. The causes are many. Labor costs a great deal, but the costs of traditional materials have also increased a lot, and many interwoven factors of regulations, banking practices, union pressures and public perception have kept the most effective design and production processes from achieving higher quality housing at lower costs.
In spite of the run-away cost of structure itself, the most interesting cost in a house now are those of its technological systems. At the beginning of the last century, housing required little more than structure. Heating systems were wood fireplaces or stoves. Plumbing for the average home did not exist, nor did lighting, telephone or any of the other technological services we now considered "utilities". During this century, these services along with many portable and built-in appliances have become standard facilities of the home, supplied by the builder or provided for in some other way. It is probably fair to say that over half the cost of an American house now is committed to the electrical, mechanical and other services that are expected in any quality middle-class home.
Yet, the obviously major savings that could be achieved by integrating technological systems efficiently with structure where conditions of construction can be controlled have not been realized.

第1个回答  2014-08-20


第2个回答  2014-08-20
第3个回答  2014-08-20

