The Great Artist英语作文有翻译


  真正的艺术家是谁呢?是老师!老师的手灵巧、神奇,充满了智慧,不知培养了多少位杰出的人物,百行名家,老师是人类灵魂的工程师,老师的伟大作文。 三年级时,我们班来了位年轻的班主任,她的眼睛炯炯有神,脸虽然十分严肃,但里面藏着温柔的光芒,给人一种很信赖的感觉。不知怎么,一看见她,我就知道这位老师一定能把我们从愚昧的岛上领到智慧的岸上。 后来我才知道这位老师姓方。有一次方老师上课,提了个问题:“谁来背一背《绝句》?”许多同学都不约而同地把手举了起来,我也悄悄地举起了手,心想:反正方老师不一定会叫我的,想混水摸鱼。可没想到,方老师偏偏叫中了我,我哆嗦着站了起来,心“砰砰”直跳,低着头,用胆怯的目光望了望方老师,我看到方老师正用充满信任的目光鼓励着我,心情立刻平静下来,鼓足了勇气,一抬头高声背诵:“两个黄郦鸣翠鸟,一行白鹭上青天。窗含西岭千秋雪,门泊东吴万里船。”方老师脸上挂着慈爱的笑容,眼睛里闪烁着赞许的眼神,小学六年级作文《老师的伟大作文》。 以前我上课总有点不太自信,明明知道答案却怕出错,不敢举手发言,通过这件事后,我上方老师的课无拘无束,总是信心满满的。方老师上课总有意无意地提出一些问题,有时候还故意把答案说错,让同学们来更正,大家一点也不紧张,更正错了也不怕,因为方老师从来也不责怪人,她总是鼓励我们把自己所想的所知道的表达出来,畅所欲言,在这样的环境下,我们总是轻轻松松地就学到了知识。 方老师虽然对人很和气,可是如果谁犯了错误,方老师立刻会紧皱眉头,脸也绷地紧紧的,决不会轻饶。有一次上课,我一时控制不了自己,和莫否讲起了小话,方老师几次用眼神示意我们,可我和莫否仍然没理会方老师,继续讲,越讲越来劲,这下方老师生气了,她放下书本,杏眼圆睁,眉毛根根竖起来,像准备扑鼠的猫一样瞪着我们,我和莫否惊慌失措,脸红了起来,低下了头。下课后,方老师把我们喊到办公室狠狠批评了一顿,我再也不敢上课讲小话了。 在方老师心里,时时刻刻装着同学们,对我们就像亲人一样,唯独没有自己。有一次,方老师感冒了,喉咙嘶哑,讲话都很困难,但为了不耽误我们上课,还是坚持不懈地给我们上课,那次,教室里安静得出奇,整个教室回荡着方老师亲切而又嘶哑的讲课声。 老师,我怎么赞美你们都不够,只能说你们永永远远都是伟大的!
  Who is the true artist? Teacher. The teacher's manual dexterity, magic, full of wisdom, I do not know how many outstanding culture characters, lines of masters, the teacher is the engineer of the human soul, a great teacher. The third grade, our class to a young teacher, her eyes one's eyes brimming with radiating vigour, face is very serious, but hidden inside the gentle light, give a person a sense of trust. Somehow, saw her, I knew that the teacher can take us to the wisdom of the shore from the benighted island. I know the teacher surnamed party later. There is a teacher, a question: "who is reciting" quatrains "?" Many students have raised their hands, I quietly raised his hand, thought: anyway, the teacher will not call me, want to fish in troubled water. Can not think of, the teacher called me in the trembling, my heart stood up, "bang bang" jump straight, head bowed, with timid eyes looked at the teacher, I saw the teacher is full of confidence in his eyes to encourage me, mood immediately calmed down, summoned the courage, looked up and shouted recite: "two Huang Li Ming kingfisher, a row of white egrets on the sky. Xiling Snow Chiaki windows, gate Wu Wanli ship." The teacher wore a loving smile, his eyes shone with praise the eyes, the sixth grade primary school composition "teacher's great composition". Before class I have not too confident, know the answer but afraid of making mistakes, dare not raise their hands to speak, through this event, I top teacher remain free, always full of confidence. Our teacher always naturally or half unconsciously presented some problems, sometimes deliberately put the answer wrong, let the students to correct, everybody was not a bit nervous, correct the wrong is not afraid, because the teacher never blame anyone, she always encourages us to give expression to know it, they want to speak one's mind freely, in such environment, we always can learn knowledge. The teacher is kind to people, but if you make a mistake, the teacher would frown, face is stretched tightly, never lightly. Have a class, I can't control myself, and Mo not about little things, the teacher several times with eyes indicate we, I and Mo is still ignored Miss Fang, continue to speak, speak more and more strong, this is the teacher angry, she put down the book, her almond shaped eyes, eyebrows root root up, as to a mouse cat stared at us, I and Mo not be confound at, blush, low head. After class, teachers took us to shout office severely criticized the meal, I dare not speak out in class. In the teacher heart, always filled with students, as we like a family, but not their own. Once, the teacher caught a cold, throat hoarse speech, is very difficult, but in order not to delay the class, or unremittingly to teach us, at that time, the classroom was surprisingly quiet, the whole classroom resound with the teacher lectures cordial and hoarse sound. Teacher, how do I praise you not, can only say that you forever are great!
第1个回答  2014-04-12
他是“中国腾飞的符号”,“世界的郎朗,华人的骄傲”。 他的音乐才华以及热情奔放的性情使他成为古典音乐最理想的诠释者。他是伟大的华人音乐家,一流的青年音乐家。他带给世界中国的声音。
My favourate artist
Music can brings hearing enjoy to people.It in a specific way influence people's feelings.The spirit of the people of the world are given purification and rich.Make people's spiritual power to get extremely enhance.My favourite artist is Lang lang.He was several American authoritative media called "this era's most genius,the brightest star idols".He is employed in the topof the Berlin philharmonic and he is the five big symphony orchestra of the first Chinese pianist.The reason that I like him because of his music is very dynamicand has fresh life force.His music has abundantemotion, and is suitable for The Time.He said all of the music, all the songs are like a movie.I like this sentence very much.
I like him so much mostly because he is the“China soar symbolsthe world,the pride of the Chinese lang lang.He is the great Chinese musician,the first class young musician.He brings to the world the voice of China.本回答被网友采纳