

A wife is pregnant, but at the time of 9 months.. Mr Finally unbearable, so he forced his wife told him to do \ "do love \" then after a month, a child born out! Is a boy, and is a genius! A born will speak. He turned round to see the doctor ask: \ "my dad you? \" the doctor said: \ "not... I'm a doctor \" and then he saw a nurse, also said: \ "my dad you? \" the nurse said: \ "not... I'm a nurse \" in the end, he saw his biological father, said: \ "my dad you? \" his father was very happily say: \ "yeah! I am your dad! \" the children are very angry with finger at his father's head... While scold: \ "this stamp you hurt? Hurt...!?? \" later... His wife was pregnant again... When the 9 months.. Mr Do still can't help again.. So... Results the gave birth to a girl, how to talk was born a genius! Just like her brother, she also ask who is her father. The father has the experience, so before covering her head towards said: \ "I... is your dad \" as a result the girls \ "bah! \" a vomitted an one mouthful saliva to her dad's face... Is very angry of say: \ ", that dirty dirty dirty dirty...?!?