

As a Chinese teacher, how can I raise my students’ interest so that they learn English on their own initiative?
Students are always more motivated when they regard English as a means to an end, rather than an end in itself. Compare the attitudes of young pupils who are told repeatedly that English will be extremely important to them in their lives, and the attitudes of students who find they need English for a particular purpose (say to study medicine or law). The former are quickly bored; the latter are highly motivated. The way to raise motivation among young pupils is to set them project work, where English is a means to an end. For example, if you set pupils the task of finding out about the history of Hong Kong, this will be their prime objective and English will be a by-product of the process.��
当学生们意识到英语能够作为实现某种目的的手段时,他们对英语的学习才会有动力。让我们看看小学生对学习英语的态度吧! 他们反复被告诫英语在他们生活中扮演极其重要的角色;再看看另外一些学生对英语学习的态度,为了实现某种目的(比如说为了学习医学或法律),他们感觉到有学好英语的必要。前者很快对英语的学习感到厌烦,而后者则显示出强烈的学习动机。激发小学生的学习积极性的方式就是给他们布置一些课堂活动,并规定只能通过英语这一工具完成。比如,如果你给学生布置查找有关香港历史的作业, 便是他们的首要目的,而对英语的使用是这一过程的副产品。

8.How should I teach students grammar in my teaching?
Modern textbooks concentrate on teaching communication (=how to do things in a foreign language). Grammar is the natural by-product of this undertaking. This means, you teach grammar not as an end in itself, but as a support system to communication. Most of the questions students have about English concern grammar (when to use some or any, when to use to or at and so on). Deal with these as they arise. When dealing with grammar, extract as much information as you can from your students and then set them exercises to raise their awareness of particular grammatical points, but always do this after you have trained them in communicative skills like listening comprehension, using language for a purpose, etc. ��


补充:Interest is the best teacher. Whichever one subject, if can arouse the students' interest in learning, can be twice the result with half the effort. In English teaching, we will find a common phenomenon, the interest of learning English as the rise and decline in, also decrease, how can inspire students' interest, causes the student to maintain strong desire to continue to learn English well? Several methods on my below.
First, the development of rich and colorful oral activities
Students listen to fear of mental, and lack of said corresponding language learning environment. I am in class on the various forms of oral activities. Practice: 1, the layout of the oral training class, such as singing English songs, read English short poems, listen to tapes, lets the student to prepare new. 2, organizes the student to carry on sentence answers. This kind of activity content is already learned basic sentence patterns, let everyone have to chance. This review can consolidate learning, also can let students have the opportunity to exercise oral English. 3, setting up class small game or little game. After studying the new content, appropriate design some novel small clever, with game or in the form of games to mobilize students' enthusiasm for new knowledge of the review. These oral activities, although small, but so that students in a relaxed atmosphere had heard of opportunity. Neither has improved students' oral and listening, and stimulate the students' learning interest and enthusiasm.
一、 开展丰富多彩的口语活动
Second, the use of language and diversified humorous teaching means
Each class has specific learning contents, fixed time, as a good teacher, with vivid language and should be flexible teaching methods to attract students' learning. So, I had to do every lesson full of spirit and vivid words clearer, various ways. In the teaching, I combined with practical teaching contents, and teaching demonstrations, ask and discuss, etc, to mobilize students' learning enthusiasm and initiative. Also help students to remember new knowledge, and dull opportunely ease burden of study and improve the learning efficiency. In addition, in practice, and according to the different levels of students in different levels, decorate a difference to avoid produce inferiority mentality. So that each student to harvest, and make students learn more and more brilliant.
二、 运用幽默的教学语言和多样化的教学手段
Third, create suspense let students after class
The most wonderful to hear the story of pupils, so, at the end of each class, I always put some knowledge of suspense to students go home. If I put every class, make CAI software, in the process of teaching. Put some relevant speaking, listening and writing of animation content, lets the student intentionally with this section, the home of the picture, imagination, again next lesson in the classroom discussion, answer. Do good effect, make the students from beginning to end will keep rising learning mood.
Four, pay attention to encourage and praise promptly
Everyone hopes to get approval and praise, especially students. Each student has little progress to the teacher. I think, for better progress or student, teacher timely, sincere and proper recognition, can enable the student's enthusiasm, improve, so I can actively looking for students. Some students are good enough, but his writing English good, or his answer problem of sound loud, good sense, I have to praise, so that they appreciated, produce larger study power.
Anyhow, I deeply realized, only let students to participate in the process of teaching activity, can arouse them feel fun learning enthusiasm and enduring and stability study interest, thus improving the teaching quality.
三、 创设悬念让学生课后思考
四、 注意多鼓励和及时表扬