

柿子是在十月左右成熟的 fruit. Typically, persimmons are ripe and ready for harvest around October. Persimmon trees have a growth cycle of about 3 to 4 years and are mainly divided into two types: sour persimmons and sweet persimmons. The fruit comes in various shapes, such as spherical, almond-shaped, nearly conical, square, and more. The color ranges from light orange to deep orange, and the size varies from about 2 cm to 10 cm. The maturity season of different persimmon varieties also varies. Generally, small round persimmons ripen around September, while large plate persimmons ripen around mid-October to late October. The Pinyin柿 (Pinyin: shì) variety blooms in late June. In October, persimmons in Luotian, Hubei, ripen from mid-October to mid-November. The Jiuxin persimmon has a main maturity period from the second half of August to early September. The fruiting process of persimmons is different from that of other fruits and is mainly divided into several stages. Usually, it takes about 1 month for persimmon branches and leaves to bloom after flowering. The first stage occurs about 2 months after flowering when the fruit grows rapidly, from July to September. During this time, fruit growth slows down, and from mid-September to mid-September is the period for fruit nutrition formation. Persimmon trees are a type of tree that thrives in sunny environments and flower the fastest in loose and fertile soil with deep organic matter. They have strong cold and drought resistance. Most persimmon tree species do not bloom until about 3 years after grafting.