求远程教育英语作业。。急 《大学英语1》课程书面作业

使用教材 教材名称 《大学英语》第一册(修订本)
编 者 戴丽萍
出 版 社 北京交通大学出版社

Unite One
上交作业 P12: VIII, IX, X; P20: I; P25: II, III

现在成功已经在望(within one’s grasp)。

2. 一定程度上我同意他的意见,但不全是这样。
3. 不管你说什么,我都会坚持我的计划。
4. 在线教育最近很流行,因为它的信息量大,又十分有趣。
5. 它可以为不同的工人提供更加灵活多样的工作方式。
P20---I. 1. 我们都是大学生。
2. 天渐渐变黑了。
3. 老师走了。
4. 汤姆工作努力。
5. 我们学英语。
6. 玛利讨厌去学校。
7. 他们正在谈论那部电影。
8. 父亲给了我10美元。
9. 她写了一封信给约翰。
10. 这个消息让他不开心。
11. 她在桌子底下发现了书。
12. 我认为他是对的。


__Phonograph is no longer used now.________________________________________
___The island is no longer a dependency of U.S.A._____________________________
2. We can do a lot of things online, such as searching for information and communicating with friends no matter how far.
No matter how hard I work, there is always more to do.
Now you try:
___ Don’t open the door no matter who are. ___________________________
____ No matter what he said, are not to believe that he.________________________
3. But recently another useful online service has become very popular.
The company has recently acquired a new office building in central Boston.
Now you try:
____ Recently, the situation become so bad that he decided to go on a diet.______________
____ The company recently built a new office building in Beijing .___________________
4. The reasons why online education is so popular within such a short period of time are as follows.
My house is within walking distance of my university.
Now you try:
____He learned to speak English within six months. _________________________
现在成功已经在望(within one’s grasp)。
___ Success is within one’s grasp now. _________________________________________
5. This new form of education is indeed more successful than the traditional education.
I was indeed very glad to hear the news.
Now you try:
__I’m indeed so happy!____________________________________________
这些问题固然是些难题, 但我相信是能够解决的。
__ These problems is indeed difficult, but I believe that can be resolved.___________
P13---IX. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. 他是一个不爱说话(communicative)的人,与他交流可不容易。
___He is not a communicative man, speak with him is not easy. ________________
2. 一定程度上我同意他的意见,但不全是这样。
___ A certain extent, I agree with his views, but is incomplete. ______________
3. 不管你说什么,我都会坚持我的计划
____ No matter what you say, I will stick to my plan. _______
4. 在线教育最近很流行,因为它的信息量大,又十分有趣。
____Line education has become very popular recently, because it's informative and very interesting.__
5. 它可以为不同的工人提供更加灵活多样的工作方式。
___ It can be for different workers to provide more flexible ways of working _______________

P14---X. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
1. We can just click our way into education, communication, and information without leaving the house.
2. Some classes may require students to all log in at the same time so they can attend live lectures by a professor.
3. It can provide different learners with more flexible and versatile ways of learning, and at the same time allows some learners stick to their present jobs while studying the latest knowledge online.
4. The classes are highly interactive, where students communicate with each other and their teachers.
5. It helps students who take classes by computer over the Internet to learn certain courses and earn a degree.

P20---I. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. 我们都是大学生。
___ We are all college students ._____________________
2. 天渐渐变黑了。
____ It is growing dark. _________________
3. 老师走了。
_____The teacher was left.___________________
4. 汤姆工作努力。
______Tom is working hard .______________ _______________
5. 我们学英语。
______We’re learning English . ______________________________
6. 玛利讨厌去学校。
______Mary hates to go to school._____________________________
7. 他们正在谈论那部电影。
____They are talking about the film._____________________________________________
8. 父亲给了我10美元。
_____Father give me ten dollars .____________________________________________
9. 她写了一封信给约翰。
____She wrote a letter to John.___________________________________________
10. 这个消息让他不开心。
____The message let he unhappy._____________________________________________
11. 她在桌子底下发现了书。
___She found a book under the table.______________________________________________
12. 我认为他是对的。
____I think he is right._______________________________________________