
1. 1991年---1995年在郑州电力高等专科学校学习电厂热能动力设备专业并且圆满毕业。证书参见后面附件1
2. 2000年—---2003年参加河南省高等教育自学考试,获得郑州大学电力系统及其自动化专业专科学历证书。证书参见后面附件2
3. 2005年---2008年参加西安理工大学继续教育学院学习,获得西安理工大学电力系统及其自动化专业大学学历证书。证书参见后面附件3

1. 1995年—2000年在三门峡华阳发电有限责任公司担任过燃煤300MW汽轮机运行值员、汽轮机运行司机助手、汽轮机运行司机、汽轮机运行班长等职务,获得有汽轮机大轴弯曲、断油烧瓦、高压缸进水等重大事故的分析和处理经验。
2. 2000年—2005年在大唐三门峡华阳发电有限责任公司,担任燃煤300MW机组集控运行全能值班机组长,获得完成汽机、锅炉、电气三个专业的学习和操作技能,并曾经代表本公司参加在南京举办的首届大唐集团公司集控运行技术大比武,并且取得名次。
3. 2005年—2006年在大唐三门峡发电有限责任公司(二期),担任超临界直流燃煤600MW机组集控运行全能值班机组长,获得超临界直流燃煤600MW机组全面培训学习和168小时试运经历。
4. 2006年7月—2006年9月在华润电力湖南有限责任公司,担任亚临界燃煤600MW机组集控运行全能值班主值(相当于机组长)获得全面学习和实习亚临界燃煤600MW机组操作。
5. 2008年4月至今在中电广西防城港电力有限公司 生产管理部集控运行主操作员(相当于机组长)

1. 我曾经在大唐三门峡电厂工作了11年,非常熟悉该电厂的设备和人员情况,有利于工作时的沟通和交流。
2. 我经历过四台600MW燃煤超临界直流发电机组的调试和运行,有丰富的事故分析和处理的经验,非常了解超临界机组运行的每一个环节,有丰富的数据收集、分析和解决问题的能力。
3. 我经历过国有企业、合资企业、和外资企业的不同管理模式,能够充分适应新的高效管理制度和方法。


Education briefing
1. In 1991, Zhengzhou, 1995 --- College to learn the power plant thermal power equipment, professional and successful graduation. See the back of the certificate in Annex 1
2.2000 years took part in Henan ---- 2003 self-study examination of higher education, access to Zhengzhou University, Power System and Automation specialist professional qualifications. See the back of the certificate in Annex 2
3. In 2005 --- 2008, Xi'an University of Technology to participate in further education colleges to study, access to the Xi'an University of Science and Technology and Automation of Power System Certificate of university qualifications. See the back of the certificate Annex 3

To introduce work experience
1. In 1995 -2000 in Sanmenxia Huayang power as a limited liability company to run the value of coal-fired 300MW steam turbine, and steam to run the driver assistants, drivers steam turbine operation, such as steam to run the squad leader positions, there are steam turbine shaft was bent, broken oil burning watt, high pressure water tank of a major accident, such as analysis and processing experience.
2.2000 years -2005 Datang Sanmenxia Huayang in power generation limited liability company, as a centralized control unit 300MW coal-fired operation of all duty machine head, access to complete turbine, boiler, electrical three professional learning and skills, and those who have represented the to participate in the Company held the first in Nanjing Datang Group Technology Control run contest, and get ranked.
3. In 2005 -2006 Sanmenxia in Datang Power Generation Co. Ltd. (2), as a 600MW coal-fired supercritical once-through centralized control unit to run all duty machine head, access to 600MW coal-fired supercritical once-through units of learning and comprehensive training 168 hours trial experience.
4. July 2006 -2006 in September in China Resources Power Hunan Co., Ltd., as sub-critical 600MW coal-fired units on duty centralized control to run all the main value (the equivalent of machine head) was a comprehensive study and training sub-critical 600MW coal-fired generating units operation.
From September 2006 to April 2008 in the Guangxi Fangchenggang CLP Power Hong Kong Limited as production management expertise to run the Department of Public Works (turbine is mainly responsible for the professional) was 600MW supercritical coal-fired generating units DC comprehensive training 168 hours of learning and trial operation, the preparation of steam turbine operation turbine operation, and all professional and technical programs and security measures.
5.2008 to date 4 years in Guangxi Fangchenggang CLP Power Hong Kong Limited Production Management Department of centralized control to run the main operator (the equivalent of machine head)

Sanmenxia engineers the advantage of candidates
1. I have Datang Sanmenxia Power Plant for 11 years, very familiar with the plant's equipment and personnel, the work is conducive to communication and exchange.
2. I have experienced four 600MW supercritical coal-fired generating units DC debug and run accident has a wealth of experience in analysis and processing, super-critical unit is well aware of every aspect of operation, has a wealth of data collection, analysis and solution problems.
3. I experienced a state-owned enterprises, joint ventures, and foreign-funded enterprises of different management models, to fully adapt to the new high-performance management systems and methods.

第1个回答  2009-07-19
第2个回答  2009-07-19