

China has its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, People started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as THE origin of Ancient football. So now, you will understand why our women football team is so good todayWith a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, traveling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man-Greek, Indian and Chinese. Carrying the message “Share the peace, Share the Olympics. “ The flame will pass through Tibet, cross the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, Travel the Great Wall and visit Taiwan and the 56 Ethnic communities who make up our society. On its journey, the flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay.I am afraid I cannot prevent the whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of time. Actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike. Come and join us.Thank you. Thank you all.[范文二]I was born in Beijing and live in Beijing, and I love Beijing very much. When I heard that Beijing will have a chance to hold the 2008 Olympic Games I feel very happy and excited, and I hope I can do something useful to build Beijing into a beautiful and energetic city.I n the twenty-first century, environment is becoming more and more important, so we have Green Olympic as a slogan. Of course slogan is just a goal, the most important thing is we should do some things to make it true. Such as assort the trash, save the energy and so on. We are still students now, so we cant do anything really big. But if everybody does something good for our environment we could make Beijing more beautiful.In fact the things we can do are easy. Like not littering the useless batteries everywhere, assort the trash which we want to throw away, and also protect the animals and plants around us, because they are important parts of the energetic Beijing.Luckily I had a chance to take part in an activity that is we planted 5 trees in our campus. My classmates and I worked very hard. This activity doesnt only plant trees, but also contribute to our environment. Look at the trees, I believe, tomorrow there will be more trees and flowers standing in Beijing and give Beijingers a beautiful environment.We are all Chinese people, live on the earth. We have only one capital, just like we have only one earth. If we dont beautify our environment, who will Good environment depends on good human consciousness. We should say that protecting oursurroundings is not easy. Thats why Im standing here to summon people do it.The 2008 Olympics games is coming, this is a chance for us to show the good environment we have to other people. If we do from the bottom of our heart, Beijings tomorrow will be more brilliant it will have blue skies, cleaner rivers. Who dont want Beijing to become more and more beautiful If we do our best, tomorrow will be better!Thanks明天会更好我是一个生在北京,长在北京的男孩。对这座城市有着深厚的感情。2001年北京申办2008奥运会成功,我感到无比的兴奋与喜悦并发自内心地希望可以为建设一个生态北京,办好一次绿色奥运尽自己的一份绵薄之力。在经济飞速发展的21世纪,环境的好与坏逐渐成为了衡量一个城市优劣的重要标准。因此,我们有了绿色奥运的口号。当然了,口号是指导,最重要的还是要落实到行动当中。诸如垃圾分类,绿色能源,绿色发电等等等等,都是国家为打造生态北京、绿色奥运做出的不懈努力。当然,依旧是学生的我们或许无法做什么大事,但如果每一个人都有心去做一点,那么我们千千万万的北京学子们一定可以让北京美起来!其实我们要做的也很简单:每当有用完的废电池不要乱扔,应集中交给回收站处理;每当有生活垃圾要扔掉的时候,应认真地进行垃圾分类,再扔进垃圾箱内;而且我们也应当学会保护身边的动植物,一花一草,一鸟一虫都是生态北京的一个重要组成部分。非常幸运的我曾亲身参与过一次绿色活动。就在今年植树节前夕,我和全班同学一起在校园内种了五棵针叶松。那天风很大,同学们铲土的铲土,挑水的挑水丝毫不怠慢。我和组里的几个男生也运起力量将树苗放进挖好的坑里。十几分钟的时间树都栽好了。活动稍显短暂甚至有些仓促。但这不只是为给学校种几棵树。而是自己为了一方环境做出贡献,以自己的劳动给城市的绿色添上新的一笔。看着眼前的五棵树牵手,我坚信,明天必将有更多更高大的绿树矗立。这片绿色会从我们心底延伸出去,覆盖我们的北京城使它充满活力,生机勃勃。给绿色奥运一个美丽的环境,给我们北京的居民们一个美丽的环境。亲身经历讲完了,最终的目的其实还是希望大家--每一位中学生都应该在心里树立一种主人公意识!我们都是中国人,生活在共同的神州大地上。首都只有一个,正如地球也只有一个,不去美化他们,还有谁值得我们为之付出?美好的自然环境是建立在优质的人文环境基础上的。每一个人主人翁意识的形成和综合素质的提高其实都是在为我们北京的环境打下基础,人文环境越来越好,自然环境必将随之好上加好!当环保不再只是纸上的两个字,不在只是一句空洞的口号时。是否每一个人都还有喊口号时的那份热情,真的愿意弯下腰拾起路边的垃圾,真的能握住手中的废纸坚持走道垃圾箱旁再放下,或是为自己身边的花花草草着想,不随意践踏了他们。我们不得不承认这不容易,这或许也是我之所以站在这里的原因,去说,去号召并以自己的光彩感染别人。2008奥运将至,这是我们向世界展示环保成果的一次机会,也是对我们环保的一次考验。要如何去把这个绿色奥运办的名副其实,让全世界为之赞叹,需要我们每一个人的努力!只要我们用心去做了,北京的明天一定会更加美好,这里的天会更蓝,水会更清,处处闻啼鸟不会只是意境,群星拱月之美,也将不只是想象。这样的北京谁不想要!只要我们人人都付出了努力,北京的明天会更好!谢谢。北京市海淀外国语实验学校******[范文三]年前北京着手申办2008年北京奥运会开始,2008年北京奥运会这个话题就一直备受关注。目前关注的焦点已从申办之初许下的诺言转移到如何真正履行诺言。在我看来,要跨越诺言与现实之间的鸿沟,北京还有很长一段路要走。The 2008 Olympic Game has been the most discussed and anticipated event through out Beijing ever since Beijing bid for it years ago. Yet the focus has shifted from making a promise to making good a promise after Beijing’s successful bid. In my opinion, to bridge the gap between a promise and reality, Beijing still has a long way to go. Here are some of my ideas on how to fill that gap.首先,在所有亟待解决的问题中,跨越英语口语这一难关至关重要。学会一门语言的关键在于坚持不懈。我们到能不能做到让大多数国人在2008年到来之前都学会说英语?这一问题需要我们不断努力和尝试。First, the speaking of English is far most important than all other difficulties. Learning a language takes a long time and a lot of heart ship, it’s not easy. So can we get most of Chinese to speak English before 2008 It needs us to try and practice very hard.迎奥运英语演讲稿范文China has its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, People started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as THE origin of Ancient football. So now, you will understand why our women football team is so good todayWith a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, traveling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man-Greek, Indian and Chinese. Carrying the message “Share the peace, Share the Olympics. “ The flame will pass through Tibet, cross the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, Travel the Great Wall and visit Taiwan and the 56 Ethnic communities who make up our society. On its journey, the flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay.I am afraid I cannot prevent the whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of time. Actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike. Come and join us.Thank you. Thank you all.[范文四]奥运英文演讲稿Good afternoon!Before I introduce our cultural programs, I want to tell you one thing first about 2008. Youre going to have a great time in Beijing.China has its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, about the 11th century, people started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as the origin of ancient football. The game was very popular and women were also participating. Now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today.Cultural events will unfold each year, from 2005 to 2008. We will stage multi-disciplined cultural programs, such as concerts, exhibitions, art competitions and camps which will involve young people from around the world. During the Olympics, they will be staged in the Olympic Village and the city for the benefit of the athletes.Our Ceremonies will give Chinas greatest-and the worlds greatest artists a stage for celebrating the common aspirations of humanity and the unique heritage of our culture and the Olympic Movement.At last, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike. Come and join us.Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you all.奥运演讲稿中文翻译译文:你好! 在我介绍我们的文化节目之前, 我想首先告诉你一 件事大约2008 年。你将会去有了不起的时光在北京。中国有 它自己的体育传奇。回到宋朝, 关于第11 个世纪, 人们开始演奏赛 称Cuju, 被认为古老橄榄球的起源。这场比赛非常普遍并且妇女并 且参与。现在, 你了解为什么我们的女子橄榄球队今天很好。文化 事件每年将展开, 从2005 年到2008 年。我们将演出多被磨练的文 化节目, 譬如音乐会, 陈列, 艺术将涉及青年人世界各地的竞争对 手和阵营。在奥林匹克其间, 他们将被演出在奥林匹克村庄和这个 城市为运动员的目的。我们的仪式将给中国和世界的伟大人民, 最了不起的艺术家一个阶段为庆祝人类和我们的文化 和奥林匹克运动独特遗产的共同志向。最后, 我相信北京将被证明 是奇迹土地对运动员, 观众和全世界电视观众。来加入我.谢谢总统,谢谢大家[范文五]我们的奥运 ... 中文奥运演讲稿演讲人:***黄色,代表了北京,代表了我们,黄皮肤黑眼睛的炎黄子孙。北京,作为中国的首都,长期以来都是奥林匹克运动最积极的支持者和参与者。早在1991年我们就首次提出了申奥的请求,作为一个北京人,我永远不会忘记八年前在蒙特卡罗,2000年奥运会主办城的投票现场,投票前,由12名与我年龄相近的女孩代表北京演唱了《茉莉花》;那歌声很美,很动人。然而,我永远难忘的确是在北京落选时,她们放声大哭的情景。那一次,北京输了。但,我们从不曾放弃。正如奥林匹克精神所号召的那样“The most important thing is not to win,but to take part;Just as the most important thing in the life is not principle,but struggle。”北京有1500万市民,民意调查表明:支持申奥的占了94.9%。这个数字是惊人的,北京人申奥的热情,更是巴黎,大阪,多伦多或是伊斯坦布尔所望尘莫及。歌德曾经说过:“光有意志是不够的,我们必须见诸于行动。”作为一个发展中国家的首都,北京申奥的科技实力是引人关注的。那么,就让我们到北京城里看一看吧!磁卡电话遍布全市;高速公路四通八达;体育场馆引入纳米技术;交通管理实现电子监控。经过近10年的建设和发展,北京己经比首次申奥具备了更强的科技实力。 绿色,代表了环境,是地球村的色彩。科技一日千里的今天,人们并没有忽视对环境的爱护。在地球村的理念中,绿色是永恒的主题。近20年来,奥运也顺应时代,强调奥运与环境相结合。因此,北京要办的奥运是绿色的奥运。一方面,市民们自愿出力建设奥运林,为古长城增添新景,另一方面,政府投资修建“五河十路”绿色通道,为北京又添绿衣,到2000年为止,全市绿色覆盖率以达36%,人均公共绿地达9平方米。北京用双手建造了一个绿色的家园,更期盼一个绿色的奥运。选择了色彩,或许有人会问我画面的内容。是这样的:2008,绿色的地球村将迎来又一个全人类的体育盛典,火红的圣火走进了一个古老的东方国度,届时,我们,所有的炎黄子孙将高唱同一首歌《NEW BEIJING,GREAT OLYMPIC》体育就是沙场,需要紧守着傲气傲骨,报纸奉上的都是捷报,绝不递上降表。我们并非惟金牌论,所以每每为突破性的成就击节,比如男篮掀翻塞黑后,大鸣赞歌;我们不能容忍所谓阴谋与算计,于是对主裁花剑男团的黑心哨,大打出手,对应着郭兰英的唱词:若是那豺狼来了,迎接它的有猎枪。尽管那月那天往事如烟,成为日渐模糊的记忆碎片,像胜负未分的忐忑、气冲霄汉的豪情,或者是触及心扉的错愕,云云种种,都已远去。直到现在,我们生存的媒体依然保持着奥运模式下的习惯,见美眉叫杜丽,逢帅哥唤田亮,赞美别人高效率的方法是:你的速度,很刘翔。