补全对话 后面还有几句: A:Can you pass a message()Lili? B:Ye

补全对话 后面还有几句: A:Can you pass a message()Lili? B:Yes,of() A:Thank you.Goodbye! B:Bye-bye! 并把每句话翻译一下 一定采纳

A. Hello, may I speak to Lili? 你好,请问可以让Lili接电话吗?
B. Sorry, Lili isn't here. Is that you, Beibei? 抱歉,Lili不在。你是Beibei吗?
A. Yes, Beibei is speaking. Who's this, please? 是的。 请问你是?
B. This is Lili's mother. Lili told me you would come to help her with her English. 我是Lili的妈妈。 Lili告诉我你要来帮助她学英语。
A. Yes, but I can't do that this evening. 是的,但是我今晚不能来了。
B. Why not? 为什么?
A. My aunt will arrive this evening. I'll have to pick up her at the airport. 我姑姑今晚来。我要去机场接她。
B. I'm glad to hear that. 我为你感到高兴。
A. Can you pass a message to Lili? 你能帮我给Lili留个言吗?
B. Yes, of course. 当然。
A. Thank you. Goodbye! 谢谢,再见!
B. Bye-bye. 再见
第1个回答  2014-06-01