

  The tortoise and the hare writing
  Since the rabbit lost the match after, has been brooding, looking for an opportunity for revenge, so it every day from morning to evening, sleepless nights, and of course the time he has been in practice. Every day after coming back, the rabbit is always tired panting, streaming with sweat after seeing his wife and children, is very distressed.
  And the turtle that after the game, I heard that the rabbit is the champion deliberately give him, he is like looking for a chance to say the words of the collapse of others, also let the rabbit know, I was the real champion. From the tortoise also strenuously. Soon, his speed is and the rabbit as fast, and after a period of time, rabbit and a compete, so the tortoise wrote a declaration of war.
  The rabbit saw, was very happy, he did not ask it, it is to come to us, is really an act recklessly and blindly.
  The beginning of the game, track next to the sea of people, busy, bustling, almost all of the animals are to watch the game. The tortoise and the rabbit came, they went to the track, only listen to the "coax" of a sound everyone rushed to the past. On the road, the rabbit and the turtle are up and down. After a while the tortoise is fast, the rabbit will catch up, while the rabbit is fast, the tortoise and follow up. However, the trouble soon came, the turtle to the foot of the mountain, he climbed up and down, and the rabbit has encountered a river, and can not swim, so do not go. No way, two people had to cooperate, the tortoise on the back of the rabbit across the river, while the rabbit back with the turtle over a small hill. Results, two people at the same time to the end, everyone is very happy, some people boast they are two brothers, inseparable brothers!