
41.如果你需要我的帮助,请打给我拷机。call sb.'s paper
43.房间里很暖和,脱下你的大衣吧。take off
44.很高兴见到你,让我们保持联系。stay in touch
45.请把收音机音量调高点,我要听新闻。turn up
46.她要成为一名医生的愿望最终实现了。come true
47.通过电话,我们可以与世界上大多数地区的人联系.communicate with
49.这台电脑不太占地方。take up
50.秘书花了一下午的时间把报告归档。file away
52.他填写了申请工作表。fill out
53.昨天在外滩,我差点迷了路。lose one's way
54.这些信件一打印出来就请你传真给经理。print out
55.客户一来,你就请他上来,好吗?send up
56.谁负责安排一下明天的会议?see to
57.我花了两个小时布置我的房间。set up
58.孩子们熬夜看电视是没有好处的,stay up
59.她离开去香港已有三年。It is...since
62.我昨天拜访了一位老朋友。call on
63.学生会号召同学们参加运动会。call on
64.他参加了数学竞赛,结果得了第三名。come out
65.委员会由十人组成。consist of
66.他已经一年没抽烟了。give up
68.我不记得他是否已经付了字典钱。pay for
69.卢浦大桥很快就要通车了。open to traffic
70.全世界的人都在电视机前观看奥运。all over the word

41.如果你需要我的帮助,请打给我拷机。call sb.'s paper
Call my pager if you need me.
He works so hard that he doesn’t take a break on Sundays.
43.房间里很暖和,脱下你的大衣吧。take off
Take off your coat, for the room is warm.
44.很高兴见到你,让我们保持联系。stay in touch
So glad to see you. Let’s stay in touch.
45.请把收音机音量调高点,我要听新闻。turn up
Please turn up the radio. I want to hear the news.
46.她要成为一名医生的愿望最终实现了。come true
Her dream to be a doctor finally comes true.
47.通过电话,我们可以与世界上大多数地区的人联系.communicate with
Through the phone, we can communicate with the people all over the world
Mom let Mike divide the apple into five pieces.
49.这台电脑不太占地方。take up
This computer doesn’t take up much place.
50.秘书花了一下午的时间把报告归档。file away
It took the secretary a whole afternoon to file away the report.
You must check in 2 hours advance at the airport, if you take international flight.
52.他填写了申请工作表。fill out
He filled out the application form.
53.昨天在外滩,我差点迷了路。lose one's way
I almost lost my way at the Bunds yesterday.
54.这些信件一打印出来就请你传真给经理。print out
Please fax these mails to the manager once they are printed out.
55.客户一来,你就请他上来,好吗?send up
Please send the client up as soon as he gets here.
56.谁负责安排一下明天的会议?see to
Who will see to arrange the meeting tomorrow?
57.我花了两个小时布置我的房间。set up
I took me 2 hours to set up my room.
58.孩子们熬夜看电视是没有好处的,stay up
It’s no good for children to stay up watching TV program.
59.她离开去香港已有三年。It is...since
It has been 3 years since she left for Hong Kong.
Do you mind if I open the window for some fresh air?
Your bicycle will last for 5 years if you use it carefully.
62.我昨天拜访了一位老朋友。call on
I called on an old friend yesterday.
63.学生会号召同学们参加运动会。call on
The Student Union call on the students to participate in the sports competition.
64.他参加了数学竞赛,结果得了第三名。come out
He took part in the Math competition, and it came out to be the third place.
65.委员会由十人组成。consist of
The Committee consists of ten people.
66.他已经一年没抽烟了。give up
He gave up smoking one year ago.
Many new apartments are put up in Shanghai.
68.我不记得他是否已经付了字典钱。pay for
I didn’t remember whether he paid for the dictionary or not.
69.卢浦大桥很快就要通车了。open to traffic
The Lupu Bridge will open to traffic in no time.
70.全世界的人都在电视机前观看奥运。all over the word
The people all over the world are watching Olympic Games.