

第1个回答  2009-09-30
General flour on Line
1. A half kilogram of flour should be enough to pay for the (2 jin is also OK)
2. With warm water and surface, in order to face strong and can hold about 5 grams of salt.
3. Master water, surface, and the softening point is better.
4. And good surface covered with wet towels, wake up 20-30 minutes machine can be.

Dumpling filling:

Sam Sun stuffing

Shrimp Ren 200 grams, 100 grams of water in sea cucumbers, winter bamboo shoots 150 grams, 200 grams of pig pre-Garou, ginger 10 grams, 20 grams of onion festival, ginger 20 grams, 50 grams of diced green onion, 1 egg, salt 10 g , pepper 3 grams, cooking wine 30 grams, 10 grams of monosodium glutamate, chicken essence 10 grams, 10 grams of sugar, sesame oil 25 grams, 350 grams of soup.

Production Method:

1. Wash chop shrimp paste, add salt, egg stir well;

2. Water-soaked sea cucumber wok, add ginger, onion festival, cooking wine, chicken, soup simmer tasty, picked up the cut fine;

3. Winter bamboo shoots cut into fine-grained, the fish out into the boiling pot boil for a short look at;

4. Garou peeled before swine washed Jiaocheng Velvet, add salt, pepper, cooking wine, sugar, MSG and the amount of water whipped uniform;

5. Then add shrimp and mud, water, sea slug tablets, tablets winter bamboo shoots, ginger, diced green onion, sesame oil, and absorbed, Sam Sun Serve dumplings.

Warm Tips:

6:4。 1. Have to use fresh shrimp; water, simmer a good sea slug prior to avoid astringent mouth; pork sandwich meat Feishou ratio of 6:4.

2. Sam Sun stuffing can also be selected to produce chicken and other seafood; if no bamboo shoots can be used instead of mushrooms; such as filling in the letting go of pork, but also by adding pork fat fat meat, or of lard in order to increase the moisture fillings taste.

Chicken stuffing winter bamboo shoots
Chicken breast 750 grams, net winter bamboo shoots 100 grams, 50 grams of chopped green onion, sesame oil, ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, stock amount.

Production Method:
1. To clean breast of chicken, chopped fine mud, spare;

2. Winter bamboo shoots cut into thin small, on the oil with stir-fried in a moment;

3. The chicken into a pot of soil, add onions, ginger, cooking wine, stock, salt, monosodium glutamate, after stir well and put it into the end of winter bamboo shoots, then stir a few times, filling Serve chicken and bamboo shoots.

Fish chive stuffing

Peel the fish 700 grams, 50 grams fat fat meat, yellow chives 200 grams, 50 grams of chopped green onion, cooking wine, ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, stock the appropriate amount.

Production Method:

1. Will be put into clean water for fish drift clear to thick thorns, put the case on-board knock chop fine mud;

2. The fat fat meat and cut into fine-grained, yellow chives chopped;

3. Take a deep pot, add broth into the fish paste, stir to open, add cooking wine, onion, ginger, MSG, salt, hand clockwise whipping;

4. The last to join fat fat meat, chive, chive stuffing Serve fish.

Coriander dumplings

Coriander 250 grams, 150 grams of pig meat, soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, MSG, sesame oil the right amount.

Production Method:

1. Coriander optional wash clean, drain water content chop Suimo mud, mix a little sesame oil stand-by;

2. Pig meat into the pot, add all the spices, mixing evenly;

3. The last to join Stir coriander, coriander dumplings Serve.

Warm Tips:

1. After the chopped parsley, if the water is very large, can use gauze out of juice, juice can be left for the transfer stuffing use;

2. Feishou pig meat should be moderate, it is best for the seven lean fat ratio of 3, cooked dumplings until fragrant.

Watermelon dumplings
Watermelon rind, onion, ginger, salt, MSG, sesame oil.

Production Method:

1. Watermelon rind to the flesh and skin, planing into filaments salt cured 30 minutes after squeezing out the water and stir onion ginger and sesame seasoning salt, monosodium glutamate;

2. Finally by adding shrimp (not too many), so watermelon rind dumplings to do the work.

: Dumplings features:

Dumplings made of crisp, refreshing, savory and sweet moderate.

Warm Tips:

Watermelon rind, if not shred, shredding can do, can stir meat (with normal practice, like dumplings), so that the special dumplings made of refreshing.

Su-Sam Sun stuffing
A winter bamboo shoots, mushrooms and a pound, eggs, 3.

Production Method:

1. Bamboo shoots peeled, cut into uniform slices into the boiling water pot cook for about 10 minutes or so, put a small amount of salt in water boiled with the best, prepares, remove and Liang Liang, hacked Suimo standby;

2. Mushrooms washed in boiled into the boiling water, fish out the same hacked Suimo, and bamboo shoots at the end put back together;

3. Will put a pinch of salt 3 eggs, beat absorbed, into the pan stir fry, the best fried pieces that are prone to stuffing mix;

4. Will be the end of winter bamboo shoots, mushrooms at the end, broken eggs, along with salt (preferably to put more, taste more salty so far), chicken, sesame oil mix well together, Banhao placing about a half hour or so after the dumplings can be had.

Tomato egg stuffing
Eggs, 300 grams, 300 grams tomatoes, spices: onion 8 grams, ginger 5 grams, 5 grams sugar, 6 grams of salt, sesame oil 10 grams.

Production Method:

1. Egg into the pan stir fry (fried tender more), remove the tomato dices the most dilute water (leave seeds in gravy);

2. Add onions, ginger, sugar, salt, sesame oil and other spices, mix well clockwise, tomato egg dumplings Serve;

3. Fast Packet dumplings to prevent too much juice.

Leek shrimp stuffing

Shrimp, lean pork, fresh leeks 150 grams each, ginger appropriate, salt, MSG, soy sauce, soy sauce, five-spice powder a small amount of oil, peanut oil modest, a small amount of sesame oil.

Production Method:

1. Will lean pork cut 0.4 centimeters around the small, add cooking wine, soy sauce (soy sauce) amount of flooded the system for more than 20 minutes;

2. Shrimp shrimp line after taking the meat cut with a small amount of soy sauce with a large Dinca (soy sauce), mirin submerged system for 20 minutes;

3. Wash the leek mince, add ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, a small amount of five-spice powder, peanut oil modest, a small amount of sesame oil, submerged good meat and shrimp stir evenly, chives Serve shrimp dumplings.

Ground beef

Beef 500 grams, 1,000 grams of white radish, onions 50 grams, egg 1, ginger juice and 50 grams of meat tenderizer powder 5 grams, 10 grams of salt, pepper 5 grams, 15 grams of cooking wine, soy sauce 25 grams, 15 grams of monosodium glutamate, sesame oil 25 grams, 30 grams of refined oil, dry starch, 50 grams.

Production Method:
1. Beef to the net fascia, wash, Jiaocheng fine Velvet, with meat tenderizer powder, cooking wine, refined oil mix well, the put it aside for about 40 minutes, plus 250 grams of ginger juice and water Stir;

2. White radish peel wash and cut into thick slices into the boiling pot cooked fish out, put food on the pier with a knife chop fine, and then gauze wrap, extrusion water, onion cut to fine;

3. Beef Velvet join the radish grain, onion at the end and absorbed, then add salt, pepper, soy sauce, MSG, sesame oil, dried starch, eggs, mix well, beef dumplings Serve.

Warm Tips:

1. Beef can not have fascia, and the beef should be fine twist in order to eat more water to make it tender;

2. Meat tenderizer can also be used baking soda instead, but the amount is not excessive;

3. Ingredients can also be used in turnip leek, celery, etc. instead of, if not used green onions instead of onions.

Fish meat

Large grass carp or a mullet and a Treaty of 1000 grams, 100 grams of pork fat fat meat, leeks 300 grams, egg 2, 15 grams of salt, pepper 5 grams, 25 grams of cooking wine, MSG, 15 grams, 15 grams of chicken, sesame oil 25 grams, 30 grams of refined oil.

Production Method:

1. Grass carp slaughter rule after the net, remove the head to tail, bone spurs and skin, take a net fish Jiao Cheng Rong, pig fat fat meat and chop mud, chives Optional Wash, cut in fine-grained, add sesame oil, refined oil mix well;

2. The head, the fish bones into the pot, mix it with water, add pepper, cooking wine, chicken, creamy white liquor color Aozhi get angry when the filtered material residue, Serve soup;

3. Rouni fat fat fish, and to join Velvet absorbed, then add salt, MSG, egg mix, while stirring while adding the cold fish soup, stirring until the end to pull its weight and the fish, Tonga, followed by grain mix with the chives, fish and meat dumplings Serve.

Warm Tips:

1. Fish have to go to a net bone spurs in order to ensure the safety of food, the best selection of larger fish or less fish bone spurs;

; 2. Minced Fish and fat fat Rouni should be fine twist, can be enough to pay more water, filling until tender;

3. Chives can only be the last to join.

Vegetarian stuffing

1,000 grams of cabbage, water, mushrooms 150 grams of fat, 100 grams of dried bean curd, eggs 4, diced green onion 50 grams, 1 gram of salt, pepper 5 grams, sugar 15 grams, 15 grams of monosodium glutamate, sesame oil 50 grams, 150 grams of refined oil .

Production Method:
1. Wash cabbage, cut in to fine, pickled with salt after the squeezed moisture, water-fat mushrooms, dried bean curd are cut fine grain, eggs and knock into the bowl, add salt, stir into the egg;

2. Wok set the fire and put it into refined oil Heat, absorbed into the eggs, spread Jian Shu, clean wok, after Liang Liang chopped, add cabbage, water, fat mushrooms tablets, dried bean curd grains and absorbed, then add green onions the end of the salt, pepper, sugar, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil mix well, vegetarian dumplings Serve.

Warm Tips:

1. Make sure that you pickled cabbage, and then squeezed water before they can be used to do the pie, such as Chinese cabbage can be used without radish, leek, celery, etc., such as tofu can be used without bean curd skin, water, fat yuba, etc.;

2. You can not fry an egg, or directly to filling in the egg mix.In addition, the filling also can join the fans and so on.

Pig meat

Pork, soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, sesame oil, diced green onion, ginger mud.

Production Method:

Pork chop mud, put a little soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, sesame oil, cut very thin diced green onion and ginger, if the meat should be relatively thin, then add some vegetable oil into, stirring evenly, and then a little water to the meat of Riga and continue to stir, stir until meat has the flexibility to add water, then stir. So about 3-4 times, have flexibility in meat thick enough. Remember that each should be less water to be divided into a few more. To do so, whether the meat is very tender meatball filling, or to do a very good to eat.