

一、 从生理上讲:父母比我们年龄大,所以无论是生理上还是心理上,都要比我们成熟。父母的经历和经验也比我们丰富,做事也比我们谨慎、周密。所以他们有能力采取适当的措施同子女进行沟通。如果父母 没有做到这些而使自己与子女之间产生“代沟”,那么主要的责任在于父母。





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The point is that parents forced their own views on their children as well as the environment affect them.I think parents should take most part of responsibility when something bad happened, because their children feel reluctant to communicate with parents due to their actions.

Firstly, physiology reasons. Parents are much older than us which make them more mature.Besides, they are more cautious and thoughtful due to their richful experiences. So, they are able to communicate with kids adopting appropriate measures. Parents should be more responsible for the generation gap.

Secondly, inwardly reasons. Parents don't really know what their kids wanted and what they are thinking about? The only thing they do is to force their kids to do things which they dislike.They think that their thoughts and actions is always right. That is what the generation gap mean.

Thirdly, the status in the family.Parents are the master in the family.They hold the economy rights and they are the example for their kids, which make them hard to talk with the kids equally. They deny most suggestions from their kids to maintain their authority and respect.

Fourthly, the modern education.The family education is only one part of the education which abtained by the kids. It is true that a harmonious and warm family came from the well-related environment.If there are always conflicts in one family, kids should be affected by that. Since the kids were born, the parents should be abecedarian.If they didn't do the right job, the first victim is the kids. It will bring pessimism and negative to children.

the last, the development of the society.The hard experiences in the past time make parents try their best to provide their kids a better life including to accept their thoughts and views. With the development of the society, the kids developed different thoughts and principles which result in the generation gap.

Conclusion: Parents should take the responsibility of raising the juveniles before they graduate from junior high school.Besides food and clothes, the most important thing is to ensure the children a healthy mind.

The generation gap is refered to the different attitute and thoughts on the same thing between two generations. Different people grow up in defferent environment.I think both parties should take the responsibility, but parents should take the most.

I have a question for everyone seated here. Is there anyone who dislike to communicate with your parents equally or receive your parents' understand and respect? Well, my fellow debaters, why you argue with our views with subjective conjecture?

第1个回答  2009-09-29
The key is in view of their parents, children, and tied around the growing environment. However, for a conscious children, some thing is the lack of communication with family, but still parental responsibility more, their behavior makes children unwilling to communicate with them

A physically, older than our parents, so whether physically or mentally than we are. Parents and rich experience and than we do, cautious and than we. So they have the ability to take appropriate measures to communicate with their children. If parents do these and make yourself with children between "gap", then the main responsibility is to parents.

Second, from the thought: parents don't understand their children, and their children don't know what to think, what? Parents with only their own special status, mandatory requirement parent children do things they do not want to do, and all their heart was suppressed. Think you say or do is make sense, are right, it will make parents and children "gap".

Third, from family, parents are position householder, they hold economic power. For example, children's learning and they always not put their shelves and face, and thus can not communicate with children equally. In order to safeguard the dignity, the prestige and the parents of the children, they would not accept all kinds of advice, always like their beck and call. Parents of this "supreme", will make between parents and children "generation gap".

Modern education from four, the children to speak: accept education and family education, education of their children is one of the most important education content. In the family education must talked about the relationship between parents and children. We know a good family environment will form a harmonious and a warm family. If the family members, inevitable meeting produces gap between celebrates mother-child growth cause certain effect. Parents of children and character of the china-southwest will have. Children born from parents, became the children, they enlightenment teacher training and education for the children's responsibility and obligation, but also they undertake social responsibility. And parents might give family duty on a shadow, family, and their children's indifference pessimistic, negative thoughts.

Five, the development from age: parents' life experiences are mostly in the 1980s. Past experience they tasted the hardships of life, they don't want to let children repeat, therefore requires children accept their ideas. But with the development of The Times, the progress of the society, the children with parents have formed in different ways of thinking and philosophy, it is inevitable that occurs between parents and children, parents "gap" and actively communicate with their children. * * * gay once said: our thoughts to keep pace with The Times. But they just didn't do it again.

Conclusion: 7. Junior high school graduation, belong to the child before the minors, the parents of a minor are tending obligations, they not only is to care for children's body, food, still should be very good education child, ensure children have a healthy mind. If parents do these children, with our own responsibility, of course, should have a gap between parents to negative.
The gap is different between two generations, to the same things have different views have different ideal. Different environment make different people and different circumstances make different ideas. It is these different form our today's topic. We think the problem of generation gap is parents and children shall have two main responsibility, but in his parents.
The gap is produced, itself is due to the inequality, do not understand and respect for the minister prince, though father for classes, the old concept early, but it is negative in the parent's heart is still strong.
Parents and children usually talk taught kids, worshipers of absolute leadership of absolute rule attitude all show. This makes the relationship between parent child formed between a master-slave relations. The development of relations, will be subordinate to the generation gap.
I want to ask the classmates, today all parents want equal dialogue with which, the parents don't want to get the respect and understanding? So, why is friendly argument on subjective speculation on the logic of irrational to unreasonable collision our views?
第2个回答  2009-09-29
Children tend to be bound by parents and influenced by circumstances . Communication is needed between parents and their children

1 physiologically
Parents have more experiences. If parents fail to communicate with their children, parents should be blamed.
Parents are inclined to be self-centered because they think they are old-timers.
3from family status
Parents be liable to possess high position in family. They are not willing to understand and accept their children's suggestions
4from moden education
Parents play the role of enlightenment teacher. They have more resposibility than they thought.
5from time advancing
Parents suffered more from childhood than their children nowadays. Not most of them realize their children are born in a new time.

It is very important for parents to be there for their children. The issue of generation gap remains controversial,both parents and children are responsible, however, parents should take more.

In the real sense of the word, parents always hehave like parents.I would like to ask every fellow schoolmates today. Which one of you ever thought you were unwilling to have a fair conversation with your parents?Which one of you guys are not eager to earn respect and understanding from your parents?
第3个回答  2009-09-29
第4个回答  2009-09-29