关于animals 的诗,英文押韵


I have a cat It is very fat It likes chasing with rats Playing with its toy bat Or may wear my hat My cat is brown It likes travelling to the town and jumping up and down playing the toy that it found in the big beautiful ground It is fat a bit I think it needs to keep fit To protect it can sleep on the chair I sit "Don't go to eat" If you don't
I am going to hit
参考: me
i know a website which has alot of poem about animals poemhunter/poems/animal/ you can find by yourself of can take mine The Talking Animal In order to make creation right
in the beginning God said: "Let there be light." He said it like a man. He didn't think it like a dog. An animal that can speak is God-like. The name of that animal is man.
参考: poemhunter/poems/animal/