

第1个回答  2022-07-20

如果商家的争议率(拒付率dispute rate)超过甚至接近1%,国际发卡行和收单行会根据你的争议率来判断您是否是高风险(HIGH RISK)商家。这是国际网络信用卡的通用规则,STRIPE正是以此来评估商家。有很多商家会问,争议率超过1%会怎么样?超过后有几率会封号,暂停使用。在钜恒的数据统计中,筛除掉没有反馈的客户,封号率大概是4%。不过封号也有解封的可能,我们有累积了各种案例提供给我们的客户,不在此讨论。



Thanks for sending across the information! Your account has been re-enabled. However, we’re reaching out because your Stripe account for XXXX.com is at risk of receiving an elevated level of disputes, given the industry you operate in and the charges that have come in so far. Per industry standards, it is difficult for us to support businesses with dispute rates above 1% (by volume or count) on an ongoing basis. It generally takes about a month after the date of the charge before a customer submits a dispute, and we expect that your dispute rate will likely climb.   

Given your elevated dispute risk, we will need to hold 25% of all payments for the next 90 days in reserve. During this time, reserved funds will cover any disputes or refunds on your account. Should dispute rates be at acceptable levels after the 90-day monitoring period, reserved funds will automatically be paid out to your bank account. In the meantime, you can track your overall dispute activity under the Analytics section in your Stripe dashboard. To learn more about dispute prevention and common reasons why cardholders file disputes, please view our documentation at (......);

  To ensure that your business maintains healthy operations and a low dispute rate, we recommend the following best practices:   

  - Set realistic expectations for your customers by clearly communicating estimated shipping or digital delivery times prior to accepting their payment information. If delays are to be expected due to high demand, this should be indicated up front or via email immediately after accepting a payment.   

  - If selling physical products, refund cardholders who do not wish to wait for items that are expected to be delayed longer than the originally communicated shipping time. The refund should be issued to their original payment method rather than providing store credit.   

- Provide shipping tracking numbers or digital delivery receipts as soon as they’re made available so cardholders know when they can expect




1. 商家收到款之后尽量通知客户货物的到达时间,让客户心里有个预期。如果时间延迟,要及时通过邮件等方式告知客户。

2. 商家需要跟客户以退款等方式协商解决,如果客户因货物延迟不愿等待。避免店铺的信誉受损。

3. 商家发了货尽快的提供单号或者发货照片给客户,让客户安心。

