书面表达。 请根据所给提示,写一篇英语短文,不少于60词。 提示: &nb...

书面表达。 请根据所给提示,写一篇英语短文,不少于60词。 提示: 1. What did you do last trip? 2. How was your last trip? 3. Did you have a good time there? 参考词汇:climb,swim, enjoy,go _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

      I went to Qingdao for my holiday last year, because it was a beautiful city and there were many  
places of interest.  I climbed Mount Lao.  When I climbed up to the top of it, I fell very excited. I also
swam in the sea. The sea is blue and clean. And I enjoyed the sunshine on the beach.  I had a wonderful
time there, and I hope I can visit Qingdao once again!
