英语语法题 请给出答案并解释一下!十分感谢!!!!

1 The teachers ( ) attendance only about twice a week. do check/are checking/check
2 Give your clock to John. He'll be able to make it ( ). go/going/to go
3 ( )he made a will before he died? did/has/had
4 They must not begin until ( ) to do so. instructed/they instruct/they instructed
5 He had worked so well that he ( ) passed. But he didin't! might have/should have/would have
6 I thought ( ) man in the green hat was very rude to your wife last night. a/that

2 make使役动词后面跟动词原形。
3用Has 有before
第1个回答  推荐于2016-10-06

    cheak   一般现在时,teachers是复数形式

    go    make为使役动词,常见make   sb|sth  +动词原形

    had   由before he died 可见是过去完成时

    instructed   这句话是省略句,省略前应该是until  they  are  instructed

    should   固定搭配should  have  done  sth表示本应做某事但实际上没做成

    that    本句中that man 是一个特指人物,昨天晚上那个戴着绿帽子的男人,而a是泛指

第2个回答  2014-08-14

    check (about twice a week大约一周两次,没有固定的时间,用一般现在时)

    go (make sb do sth)

    Had (死前,过去的过去,用过去完成时)

    instructed (被通知)

    should have (如此出色以至于他“本应该”通过)

    that (in the green hat 戴着那顶绿帽子的,所以不应该是泛指a)

第3个回答  2014-08-14
1 check 老师每两周查勤这是种常规 常态 用原型即可
2 go 搭配问题 make sth do eg. make it rain
3 had 如果用did 后面应该是make 而不是made。 所以肯定是完成时,而且是过去完成时 过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作。它表示动作发生在过去的过去。
4 instructed 省略they are instructed 其他不表被动都不对
5,should have 本应该
6 that 特指那个男人 a是泛指