

从前,猪妈妈send her three little pigs out into the world to learn how to look after themselves.
The first little pig built a fine straw house.
The second little pig built a sturdy wooden house.
The third little pig constructed a solid stone house.
One day, a big bad wolf appeared at the straw house, famished and eager to eat the pigs.
"Little pigs, let me in. I'm your brother," the wolf lied.
"No, no, you're the big bad wolf," the pigs replied.
The wolf blew down the straw house and the first little pig ran to the wooden house.
The wolf then approached the wooden house but couldn't blow it down. Angry, he climbed onto the roof and slid down the chimney.
A pot of hot water was boiling on the fireplace at the bottom of the chimney. The three little pigs had kept the fire burning fiercely.
The wolf fell into the pot! "Oh no! How can I escape?" he thought.
From that day on, the three little pigs lived happily ever after.
A couple raised a group of little chicks.
A greedy big bad wolf set his eyes on the chicks but decided to wait until they grew bigger. He found a secluded spot near the couple's home and settled there.
Early the next morning, the wolf couldn't wait to visit the chicks. The chicks, seeing the wolf, were scared and started "peep-peeping." The wolf, worried the noise would wake the couple, quickly left.
The wolf devised a cunning plan...
He began visiting the chicks every day, wearing a kindly expression. At first, the chicks were scared of him but, over time, they realized the wolf didn't mean them harm and stopped being afraid. However, they remained cautious and didn't dare approach the wolf.
One day, a brave chick approached the wolf and asked, "Are you really a wolf? Then why don't you eat us?"
"You've misunderstood me, just like my brutal packmates. I am a peace-loving wolf, so I left my pack and live alone. Then I found you, a group of kind and united chicks, and your way of life inspires me. I wish I could live with you," the wolf pretended to be sad.
"Oh, oh... no, it's unheard of for a wolf and chickens to live together," the chicks replied, looking at each other in disbelief. The wolf feigned dejection, "If you don't believe me, then never mind. It's so hard to be a good wolf! I just want to make true friends, but you've rejected me. It's very disappointing." The wolf even pretended to shed a few crocodile tears.
The chicks were somewhat touched and began to trust this old wolf, though they were still wary. "Do you really not want to eat us?" they asked.
The wolf, expecting this question, answered without hesitation, "Of course not. You're my friends; how could I eat my friends? Instead, you should beware of humans. They raise you just to eat your eggs and will devour you when you're no longer useful. They are your real enemies."
All the chicks agreed, "Yes, yes, humans have indeed eaten many of our comrades." These chicks increasingly believed the wolf was different from other cruel wolves and could be a trustworthy friend.
After that, when the wolf visited, the chicks no longer hid but approached him friendly. Gradually, the chicks grew up and became even more familiar with the wolf. The wolf was overjoyed in his heart, thinking the chicks had finally grown and he could enjoy a hearty meal that night.
As soon as it got dark, the wolf sneaked up to the chicken coop. A chick saw him and, recognizing the wolf, didn't scream but followed him out. The husband, curious about the commotion, followed them at a distance. Halfway, he saw the wolf about to devour the chick, so he quickly shot the wolf, killing it on the spot. The chick ran back to the coop, telling the others about the wolf's treachery. The chicks believed the story when they saw the wounded chick's foot.
From then on, the chicks learned that, no matter how friendly a wolf may seem, it is still a wolf that will eat chickens.
In a beautiful forest, various delightful creatures lived together: little lambs grazed, deer picked leaves, birds searched for bugs, and bees collected nectar. They led different lives but lived harmoniously and happily together.
One day, a tyrannical big bad wolf arrived.
When he saw the lambs eating grass, he roared, "You can't eat that grass; it's mine!"
When he saw the deer picking leaves, he bellowed, "You can't touch those leaves; they're mine!"
When he saw the birds searching for bugs, he shouted, "You can't look for bugs; they're mine!"
When he saw the bees collecting nectar, he raged, "You can't take that nectar; it's mine!"
Oh, what a bullying wolf he was! The lambs, deer, birds, and bees all left the forest.
The forest became desolate, and the wolf couldn't be tyrannical anymore. He felt lonely too.
One day, a bird went to the meadow to look for bugs to eat! The wolf, seeing the bird, growled and pounced, but the bird escaped with a "swoosh!"
Turns out, the brave elephant had been called in to teach the wolf a lesson by the bird.
The elephant lifted his long鼻子 with strength and swung the wolf around like a pendulum. The bird cheered, "Great! Great!"
The wolf suffered and learned his lesson. He no longer dared to be so bullying.
The bird invited the lambs, deer, birds, and bees back, and they could live together harmoniously and happily once more.