

第1个回答  2009-09-02
to spit anywhere;remember the meaning of life, and live a positive happy life;uncover his dissatisfaction about human nature;irony is straightforward; the England society in the early eighteenth century; he can overlook both the King and chancellors.
第2个回答  2009-09-02
Spit everywhere; Be engraved on the life significance, with happy active way life; Have brought his discontenting to original human nature to light; Sarcasm is direct; Eighteen centuries initial stage United Kingdom society; Can look down at they disregarding be be still minister king he all
第3个回答  2009-09-02
to spit anywhere;
keep in mind that the meaning of life, and live a happy life positively;
reveal his dissatisfaction about human essence;
irony is straightforward;
the English society in the early eighteenth century; he can overlook chancellors, even the king.本回答被提问者采纳