

一、Guessing lantern riddles 猜灯谜

" Guessing lantern riddles " is an essentia I part of the Festival . Lantern owners wri te riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns . If visitors have sol utions to the riddles , they can pull the p aper out and go to the lantern owners t o check their answer . If they are right , th ey will get a little gift . The activity emer ged during people ' s enjoyment of lanter ns in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). As rid dle guessing is interesting and full of wis dom , it has become popular among all s ocial strata .


二、Eating Yuanxiao 吃元宵

Yuanxiao is the special food for the Lan tern Festival . It is believed that Yuanxia o is named after a palace maid , Yuanxi ao , of Emperor Wu Di of the Han Dynast y . Yuanxiao is a kind of sweet dumpling , which is made with sticky rice flour filled with sweet stuffing . And the Festival is n amed after the famous dumpling . It is ve ry easy to cook - simply dump them in a pot of boiling water for a few minutes - and eaten as a dessert .


第1个回答  2023-03-03
Lantern Festival Traditions
The Lantern Festival is an important traditional Chinese festival which falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month. It is also known as Yuanxiao Festival, as it is a time when people eat yuanxiao, or sticky rice dumplings.
One of the most popular traditions of the Lantern Festival is making and displaying lanterns. People make lanterns in different shapes, sizes and colors, often depicting animals or characters from Chinese folklore. The lanterns are hung outside homes, in parks, and in temples, creating a colorful and lively atmosphere.
Another tradition is solving lantern riddles, which involves guessing the meaning of a riddle written on a lantern. It is a fun activity that encourages people to use their creativity and intelligence.
Eating yuanxiao is another important tradition. Yuanxiao are made from glutinous rice flour and filled with sweet fillings. They are often eaten with family and friends, symbolizing reunion and harmony.
In some regions of China, people also perform lion or dragon dances on the streets during the Lantern Festival. These dances are believed to bring good luck and drive away evil spirits.
Overall, the Lantern Festival is a joyful and festive occasion that showcases the rich cultural heritage of China.