帮用英语翻译下这几个句子,十分感谢!!! 1.如果一个人被蛇咬了,你知道怎样实施急救吗? 2.昨天


1. If a person is bitten by a snake, do you know how to first aid?
2. He suddenly fell ill yesterday and was taken to the hospital at once.
3. I can accomplish something in this world.
4. He again and again to read the poem, until he can recite.
5. We are in a meeting when someone angry break in.追答

1. if was bit by snake alone , how do you knew to implement the first-aid ?
2. suddenly he fell ill yesterday , was sent to go to hospital immediately.
3. I can be here here in the world succeed.
4. he once another reading-aloud spreading everywhere of that poem , until he can recite.
5. we are having a meeting , at such a moment someone in a great rage of force our way in a great rage of force our way in


第三句用make different可以吗?怎么写?




第1个回答  2015-05-24
1. If someone is bitten by the snake, do you know how to carry out first aids?
2. He was ill suddenly yesterday and was admitted to the hospital immediately.
3. I can have achievement in this world.
4. He has repeated reading the same poem until he can memorize it.
5. There was an angry man came into our meeting room while we were at meeting.