
In other words,they gave no indication of an appreci-ation of either the range of ways in which rainforests are important or the complex social,economic and political factors which drive the activities which are destroying the rainforests.

In other words,they gave no indication of an appreci-ation of either the range of ways in which rainforests are important or the complex social,economic and political factors which drive the activities which are destroying the rainforests.换句话说,他们既不同意热带雨林很重要的观点,也不同意在复杂的社会、经济和政治因素的驱使下破坏热带雨林的做法。

In other words:换句话说
gave no indication of an appreciation of:没有赞成的迹象,即理解为不赞成
either the range of ways:其中任何一种方法之间,即理解为任一方法
in which:引导定从句,先行词是ways,which代ways,in the ways,自此之后的句子全是定语从句
rainforest are important:热带雨林很重要,这是其中一个观点
the comlex social , economic and political factors
后面是定从 which drive the activities 后面是定从which are destroying the rainforest.:
第1个回答  2014-10-25
第2个回答  2014-10-25
第3个回答  2014-10-25
一般来讲,,问某人地址,,我们可以说 Where do you live? or What is your address?\r\n具体问题可为如下:\r\n你住在几号楼?  What is the No. of your building\/apartment\/flat?\r\n你住在几层? Which floor do you live on?\r\n你住在几号房间? What is your room No.?