
It is said that in the seventh century BC during the Spring and Autumn Period,Jie Zitui was a good official inthe Jin State,working for Prince Chong’er.When the Jin State was in great disturbance,Chong’er was forced to leave for other states with his faithful officials and servants,including Jie Zitui. For 19 years,Chong’er and his followers went through all kinds of hardships and difficulties.One day,Chong’er was actually starving and close to death.Jie Zitui cut a slice of flesh from his own leg and served it to his master,thereby saving his life.

    It is said that in the seventh century BC during the Spring and Autumn Period,Jie Zitui was a good official in the Jin State,working for Prince Chong’er.据说在公元前7世纪的春秋战国时期,介子推是晋国的一名官员,效力于公子重耳。

    It is said that,据说;其中It做形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句(ps:that后都是that引导的主语从句);类似的还有:It is believed that,据认为 ;It is known that 众所周知;It is reported that 据报道......

    When the Jin State was in great disturbance,Chong’er was forced to leave for other states with his faithful officials and servants,including Jie Zitui.当晋国动乱的时候,重耳被迫离开晋国带着他的官员和随从去往其他国家,其中包括介子推。

    When the Jin State was in great disturbance,是when引导的时间状语从句

    be in great disturbance,处于极大的骚乱中;

    be forced to,被迫;

    leave for+地点名词,出发去某地;

    For 19 years,Chong’er and his followers went through all kinds of hardships and difficulties.在19年时间里,重耳和随从们经历和各种坎坷和困难。

    go through,经历;

    all kinds of ,各种各样的;

    One day,Chong’er was actually starving and close to death.Jie Zitui cut a slice of flesh from his own leg and served it to his master,thereby saving his life.一天,重耳几乎都快饿死了。介子推从自己的腿上割下一块肉给他的主子吃,从而救了主子的命。

    One day,有朝一日; 有一天,总有一天;

    be close to,濒临;接近,靠近;

    thereby saving his life,此处是动词ing短语做结果状语。

第1个回答  2018-10-17
It形式主语 is said谓语 (that in the seventh century BC during the Spring and Autumn Period,Jie Zitui was a good official inthe Jin State,working for Prince Chong'er.主语从句)(When the Jin State was in great disturbance状语从句),Chong'er was forced to leave for other states with his faithful officials and servants,including Jie Zitui. For 19 years,Chong'er and his followers went through all kinds of hardships and difficulties.One day,Chong'er was actually starving and close to death. Jie Zitui cut a slice of flesh from his own leg and served it to his master, thereby saving his life.
第2个回答  2018-10-17
第一大句:It is said that in the seventh century BC during the Spring and Autumn Period,Jie Zitui was a good official inthe Jin State,working for Prince Chong’er.
对这一大从句进行分析:in the seventh century BC during the Spring and Autumn Period是介词短语做时间状语,从句中的Jie Zitui was a good official inthe Jin State 是从句的主干,working for Prince Chong’er.是动名词做伴随状语,对主干中的Jie Zitui进行补充说明。
第二大句:When the Jin State was in great disturbance,Chong’er was forced to leave for other states with his faithful officials and servants,including Jie Zitui. 全句意思是当晋国动乱的时候,重耳被迫离开晋国带着他的官员和随从去往其他国家,其中包括介子推。这里when引导的是时间状语从句,including Jie Zitui做伴随状语。

第三句:For 19 years,Chong’er and his followers went through all kinds of hardships and difficulties. 在19年时间里,重耳和随从们经历和各种坎坷和困难。For 19 years,介词短语做时间状语。
第四句:One day,Chong’er was actually starving and close to death.一天,重耳几乎都快饿死了。one day 这一短语做时间状语。
第五句:Jie Zitui cut a slice of flesh from his own leg and served it to his master,thereby saving his life. 介子推从自己的腿上割下一块肉给他的主子吃,从而救了主子的命。and连接两个并列句。thereby saving his life。动词ing短语做结果状语。
第3个回答  2018-10-17


It(形式主语) is said that (引导主语从句)in the seventh century BC during the Spring and Autumn Period, Jie Zitui(从句的主语) was a good official in the Jin State, working(伴随状语) for Prince Chong’er.

When the Jin State was in great disturbance(时间状语从句), Chong’er(主句主语) was forced to leave(不定式短语作结果状语) for other states with his faithful officials and servants, including Jie Zitui. For 19 years(时间状语), Chong’er and his followers(主语) went through(谓语) all kinds of hardships and difficulties(宾语). One day(时间状语), Chong’er(主语) was actually starving and close to death(谓语,系表结构). Jie Zitui(主语)cut (谓语)a slice of flesh (宾语)from his own leg(状语) and served(并列谓语) it(宾语) to his master(补语), thereby saving his life(结果状语,分词短语).

第4个回答  2018-10-17




主语从句:It is said that in the seventh century BC during the Spring and Autumn Period, Jie Zitui was a good official inthe Jin State, working for Prince Chong’er.

时间状语从句:When the Jin State was in great disturbance, Chong’er was forced to leave for other states with his faithful officials and servants,including Jie Zitui.


it is said:据说

the Spring and Autumn Period:春秋时期

work for sb.:为某人工作

be forced to do sth.:被迫做某事

go through:穿过、经历

all kinds of:各种各样的

close to:接近、濒临 【close to death:濒临死亡】

cut ... from:从……切下/割下……

save one’s life:拯救某人的生命