
The teacher asked me to speak in front of my classmates next week.I feel ne- rvous and I don't know what to do.Can you give me some advice and tell me what i should do? 写一篇回信的作文,最高奖励可给100.

翻譯: 我老師要我下周在同學們面前演講.我很緊張而且我不知道我應該怎么做.你可不可以給我一些建議或者告訴我怎么做? 今天幾號(寫幾月幾號) Dear: (你要寫給誰) I think the first thing you have to do is to ask your teacher clearly about what is the main topic about the speech.After you understand the topic,work with your teacher about the speech. Then your could practice infront of your teacher or infront of your family to make sure your don't feel nervous when the time you have to speak infront of the class. The last thing is becareful the speed of your speaking,and how your feeling impress infront of your class. Your lovely (誰寫的) 中文翻譯: 今天幾號 親愛的: (你要寫給誰) 我覺得你第一件事情要做的就是問清楚你老師,你這次演講的主要題目是什么.當你明白之后你可以 和你老師一起準備如何寫那份演講報告.然后你可以在你的老師或者家人面前演講一遍,這樣可以確認到你當 天演講的時候沒有那么緊張. 最后需要提醒你就是注意你說話時候的速度,還有如何使你的同學留下好印象. 你最親愛的 (誰寫的)
第1个回答  2014-08-24
老师要我下周在同学们面前演讲,我感觉紧张,不知道该怎么办,你能给我一些建议吗?并且告诉我该怎么办。 Dear XXX You told me that you were asked to speak in front of your classmates the next week. I think it is a good way to improve your oral English. Firstly I think you'd better make more practice before your speech, as you see, Practice makes perfect. Secondly, you should inquire what your classmates like before you are preparing your speech. And also you can tell your classmates what your hobbies are, or what things you are interested in. Thirdly, use English as simply as possible to express yourself well. Because you muxt make yourself understood well enough by all your classmates. Last, please remember your speaking speed and your states of speaking. A good way of speaking can impress others deeply. Good luck and hope to get your imformation of your success soon. yours ever, XXX