

(当你powershell执行命令Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}时)
(1)进入C:\Users\你的登录名\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer\Database 删除掉vedatamodel.edb这个文件 (2)也可以删除Database整个文件夹
你会发现点击菜单,什么都没有。但是开始菜单已经有反应了 注销或重启之后: 它会产生所有应用的列表。 但是微软本身的应用没有了。 所以只能通过powershell管理员执行命令Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}了 它会在所有应用列表那里产生图标 但是磁贴还是空的,这要看你的需要了: 在所有应用列表一个个找 并通过右键选择 固定到开始屏幕
(1)可能需要到新建账户: 这里有可能关系到以下引用经验,当你登录不了遇到User Profile Service服务未能登录,无法登录的时候要用到的。 (2) 当两个账户用同一主文件夹时(也就是用同一配置文件) 表现为动态锁定(备份状态的)配置文件的,如果是互锁的文件,导致只能一个登录,登录一账号则变为对方状态(包括备份状态的配置文件文件、配置文件大小(反转的相补状态)、注册表里面也会动态改变、等各种信息) 要可能结合引用经验并更改主文件夹权限才得,目前不知对不对。
1、新建一个新帐户,用户组选项设置为管理员; 2、登录新建的用户; 3、回到原来账户(出问题的),从 C:\Users\新的用户名\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer\Database 复制出vedatamodel.edb 4、进入新的账户,再把复制出来的vedatamodel.edb复制到 C:\Users\出问题的用户名\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer\Database 下。 可以了。 总之就是用 新建的正常账户的Database替换出问题的账户的Database
新建账户的话也可以通过粘贴命令,(TempAdmin1替换为你将要设置的用户名,password1替换为你将要设置的密码) 首先通过win+x再选择命令提示符(管理员)A net user "TempAdmin1" "password1" /add net localgroup administrators "TempAdmin1" /add 之后删除新建的账户就可以了 英文原版:
Login to your current profile Press Win+X, and select "Command Prompt (Admin)" Enter the following commands, in this order net user "TempAdmin1" "password1" /add net user "TempAdmin2" "password2" /add net localgroup administrators "TempAdmin2" /add Press Ctrl+Alt+Del, click Sign Out Login to the "TempAdmin1" account using password "password1" Logout, and then login to the "TempAdmin2" account, using "password2" (note: you must fully sign out, not just switch users) Open File Explorer, select View, then check the box marked "Hidden Items" Navigate to C:\Users\TempAdmin1\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer (click "continue" to gain access when prompted) Right Click the folder "Database" Copy Now, navigate to the same folder for your damaged profile (C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer) Right click "Database", and rename to "Database.BAD" Right click empty area in the folder, and select Paste Reboot, then sign back in with your original profile. Now, assuming all is well, you want to delete the two accounts you created: Win+X → Control Panel → User Accounts → Manage Another Account Select Account, then "Delete Account" Brief explanation: Your TileDataLayer database is damaged You need a new TileDataLayer database Create a new user (user A), and login with it (a new database will be created). Proceed with this procedure only if the Start Menu and all other apps are working correctly as user A. Because the database is locked when you're logged in, you create user B (with access to user A's profile and your user profile) Rename the old database, and copy the new database from user A to your profile Logout from user B, and your account should work again