

Currently, the high prices in general, but the state has introduced policies to restrict housing prices, why buy a house than rent an apartment that is good? First of all, the house ownership through the purchase of their own, that you have enough disposable power, rent, ownership belongs to the landlord, you can not place the house are not satisfied by the line changes; second, that people still buy a house Many, and this gives us a way - buy, through the Group buy and hire, monthly rent paid by the amount of money and even less about.
第1个回答  2010-08-01
楼上的太误导别人了 那英语简直是一塌糊涂
买房:1 自己住 会更爱惜 2 心里更踏实 更好的享受生活 3 将来可升值
租房:1 得付出租金 流失收入 2 心里不稳定 没安全感
最后要来个小让步 如果手里有足够首付的钱就买房 不够的话 暂时租房 等够了再买房

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