译林八年级上册英语第四单元reading翻译 my cousin and DIY?


第1个回答  2022-10-27
  My cousin Andrew is crazy about DIY. He loves to repairthings and decorate his house. But when he finishes, the house always looksterrible!我的堂兄Andrew对DIY甚是疯狂,他爱准备东西装饰他的房子,但是每当他弄完,他的房子看上去总是一团糟
He once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom,but he made a mistake. Then his whole house had a power cut. Another time, hewanted to put up a picture on his bedroom wall, but he hit a pipe and filledthe room with water.又一次,他是试着在将我市的灯换个亮点的,但犯了个错误,然后整个房子都没点了.还有一次,他想在我市的墙上挂副画,但是撞破了水管,然后房间被说淹了.
Last month, he thought the living room in his house wa *** oring, so he painted it blue. His mum said, “Stop it.” But he kept onpainting. Now the loving room not only has blue walls but also a blue ceilingand floor. Even his cat is blue now!上个月他觉得客厅太没意思,就刷成了蓝色,他妈妈让她停下,但是他还是继续刷完,现在不但客厅的强变成了蓝色,连窗帘地板都成了蓝色,甚至他的冒也是
When I wanted a shelf above my bed, he said, “Noproblem!” He then spent five hours putting up the shelf on the wall. Then I putmy books on the shelf. Whoops! They couldn’t stay there because one end of theshelf was much higher than the other!一次我想在我床上边弄一个书架,他说没问题,然后就花了5个小时讲一个书架定在墙上.当我吧书放在上面是,我天,书根本就防不住,因为书架的一边明显比另一边高
I bought some books about DIY for him and I alsoadvised him toin DIY. But this just made him angry—he says he already knows everything aboutit. So instead, I am reading all the books myself and attending lessons everySaturday. Now I know much more about DIY than my cousin!我给他买了一些关于DIY的书并且建议他学习一下DIY,但是这却令他很生气,他已经知道了关于DIY的所有东西,所以,现在我在看这些书,并且每周六还上课.现在说起DIY,我知道的远比我堂兄多.,52,