


Unit 1: Pleased to Meet You

    Part 1: Listen and Talk

      1.1 Phonetic Practice

        1.1.1 Sound Recognition
        1.1.2 Listening Comprehension

      1.2 Oral Practice
      1.3 Laughing Time

    Part 2: Read and Think

      2.1 Text A: Forms of Address
      2.2 Text B: Introduction

    Part 3: Knowledge and Skills

      3.1 Grammar: Personal Pronouns
      3.2 Writing: Basic Sentence Patterns
      3.3 Translation: Selecting Word Meanings

    Part 4: Extended Activities


Unit 8: E-business

    Part 1: Listen and Talk
    Part 2: Read and Think
    Part 3: Knowledge and Skills
    Part 4: Extended Activities

Unit 9: Distribution

    Part 1: Listen and Talk
    Part 2: Read and Think
    Part 3: Knowledge and Skills
    Part 4: Extended Activities

Unit 10: Employment

    Part 1: Listen and Talk
    Part 2: Read and Think
    Part 3: Knowledge and Skills
    Part 4: Extended Activities

